Cliché Love.

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Requested by brocksmylife

Paytyn's POV

I quickly rushed into the bathroom once Evan , my boyfriend informed me about the party being thrown today. As much as I hated spending time with him , I was bound to do so.

My mind ran across the horrific memories created with him , hating every single minute of it as the water hit my body , putting me in a trance.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as he banged against the door , "aren't you done yet ?" He yelled , arguing to be let in.

I quickly washed off the bubbles surrounding my body and stepped out the shower , patting my body completely dry before dressing myself up.

As I walked out the bathroom door , Evan's eyes traced my body , a smug smirk plastered upon his lips. "Come here." He ordered while patting down his lap. My eyes fell on the floor as my feet gradually began moving forward.

I stood forth him , my eyes still scanning the dusty flooring. Evan's hands wrapped around my waist as he pulled me down harshly onto his lap , his lips nuzzled against my ear. "You look really beautiful." He whispered , his hot warm breath hitting my ears , sending shivers of terror down my spine. His right hand roamed above my thighs , trailing upwards.

I felt my heart race as I immediately got off him , "we're gonna be late." I mumbled , straightening my tight little dress. He hummed in response before rising up from the seat , "we'll continue once we come back." He chuckled evilly.


"Yoo Evan ! What's up ?" Seth , my so-called boyfriend's friend greeted us , the both of them shared a bro-hug before Seth turned towards me. His bottom lip tugged in between his teeth as he came in for a hug.

I felt myself shake to my core as his hands travelled under my waist , stopping just above my ass. "Hey Pay." He said , his hand almost gripping my ass until I pushed him away and flashed an awkward smile to him.

His face showed a sign of sheer anger but soon brushed it off as he lead our way into the living room , forcing us to join in a round of truth and dare. I could've sworn seeing Evan whisper something into Seth's ear but settled on ignoring it as I sat down in the already existing circle.

My eyes caught a friendly face smiling back at me , I quickly returned the favour to the blue eyed boy , watching his warm smile increase.


"Paytyn ! Truth or dare baby girl ?" Seth asked me from across the little circle , his lips formed into an evil smirk. I thoughtfully thought about my decisions and relied on dare since I didn't want to possibly be in a situation of exposing myself.

"Dare." I blurted out , watching his eyes turn lifeless. What came out next shocked me to death.

"I dare to give me a blowjob." He said , his self pride reflecting upon his sinful face. The half-drunk and half-high crowd cheered , obviously not being in their senses.

"What ? No." I stood out on my words , second guessing my choice of joining the game.

"Oh come on babe." Evan managed to let out , his voice screaming to get to me through the loud crowd. "Just do it. It won't mean as much." He sniggered before winking at Seth.

"But Evan...I'm your girlfriend." I said , feeling my eyes burn up. I was just a toy to him , a toy that could be used by anyone.

"Pay , you need not make a scene. What's the big deal in helping my friend ?" Evan's voice was strong and determined , clearing away any doubt left behind. He was being serious.

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