Suicide Bridge.

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A/N : so this was my very first request , made by curly_hair17 , please do feel free to comment upon it and more requests are always welcomed.

Zoe's POV

I stumbled through the corridors that joined Sam's and Colby's room , fiddling my way through the bathroom. Today was going to be a big day , Uncle Elton asked all of us to meet him downstairs for breakfast as he had something important he wanted to discuss.

As I stood there brushing my teeth , I felt a pair of stronger arms hold my waist. "Good morning princess." Colby said , his voice all raspy since he had just woken up. "Morning Colbs."I greeted back. He grabbed my face , kissing my lips that were covered up with toothpaste. "Hm..Minty." He smirked making me giggle.

"Babe ? Why does Uncle Elty want to see all of us for breakfast ?" I asked , my voice filled up with concern. "I'm not quite sure baby , we'll have to find out." Colby looked at my reflection through mirror before resting his head on my shoulder , his hands wound up around my waist. "You look beautiful by the way." He said while I blushed profusely.

Our cute little moment was interrupted as Sam banged upon the door , rattling the door knob while he begged to be let in. "What is it Sam ?" Colby asked rolling his eyes. "I have to use the bathroom." Sam blurted. "Can't it wait ?" Colby enquired , trying to build the pressure for Sam.

Me being the innocent little chirp gave in quickly as I unlocked the door , Sam ran in through the door pushing me and Colby out. I laughed aloud , entering our shared room and getting into the closet. I picked up Colby's merch and slipped on some rather comfortable leggings. I waited patiently for Colby as he took most of his time blow-drying his hair and later made our way down into the kitchen.

The rest of the roommates were waiting for us downstairs and their heads snapped at the bottom of the stairs , looking at me and Colby descend from it. "Sorry , you know I love my hair." Colby shrugged as the others eyed him.

"Okay , so I've called you guys down here because of a video I want to film. It's at this place called the Suicide Bridge and weirdly , it's really close by. I'll let you guys on in some more information once we reach there. So , who's in ?" Elton asked , his eyes scanning the crowd. I looked up at Colby , asking for his consent as he nodded , "me and Colby are in.." I said , starting off the discussion. "Me too." Sam yelled out.

Our eyes were now glued down on Corey as he nervously shook his legs under the table. "I don't know guys , maybe it's not a good idea." Corey stated , fear beaming through his eyes. "What could possible go wrong ?" Elton laughed as Corey instantly gave him a look. "You may never know Elton , people have died there." Corey chuckled , trying to lighten up the mood.

There was a deep silence before Corey sighed , "I'll go if there are no ouija boards and stuff involved this time." Everyone across the table cheered as Corey got up to do his happy dance.


"Oh God , I hate this already." Corey whined whistle sitting in the passenger seat. Sam , Colby and I were sitting at the back trying to find out more information about the place. "We're here guys.." Elton trailed off , closing down his car. We all got out as Elton placed his camera and pressed rec , starting off his intro.

"So the reason why it's called the suicide bridge is mainly because there have been countless deaths taking place here which started off during the Great Depression , one of the stories includes a mother throwing her baby off the bridge and committing suicide herself. Luckily..the baby survived." Elton said , giving off information regarding the hotspot. "Also , there was a worker who fell to his death in the cement that's holding this bridge." He continued , sending goosebumps all over our bodies.

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