You belong to me.

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"Thank you guys for coming along , we really appreciated it and hope you liked the first two episodes !" Kian yelled out through the microphone , the crowd cheered thereon whilst congratulating the boys for the premiere of the Reality House Season 2.

You were gleamed with utter joy , finding it extremely appreciative of the way Kian and Jc utilised their resources this season onwards , and not to mention the greatest selection of players.

You quickly shimmed your hand away from Colby's once the cameras were out and in focus , Bobby seemed to be recording for his channel and that couldn't possibly be the way you'd give out the biggest , most concealed secret ever.

You caught the glimmer disappearing away from his eyes , his smile turned upside down into a frown but soon realised the cause for the sudden movement of your hand.

"Wanna go home ?" He whispered against your ear amongst the cheering and hooting , he was done behaving like a stranger , or in this case an acquaintance to you. He missed your touch , most importantly he missed being with you wholly.

You rapidly nodded you head , letting out a little silent squeal while heading out towards the door and sprinting fast towards the car. You needed him as much as he needed you , wrapped up in his arms while enjoying a brewing hot chocolate with Supernatural playing at the back.

Colby walked over to the passenger seat and swung the door open , gesturing for you to get seated before walking over to his side.

"Oh hey Colby !" You turned your head around and noticed a petite framed girl walk over to your secret lover , her arms draped over his shoulder as she went in for a hug , frowning at the very end with disappointment since Colby kept his hands to himself.

"Hey..?" He trailed off , his lips searched for her name but failed in doing so. In fact , he'd hardly met her before let alone knew her name , or in this case her face.

"Teala." She squealed , giving off a bubbly yet extremely annoying attitude. Her voice squeaked as she spoke to your boyfriend , begging him to come along with her for a tiktok with a fellow contestant.

Colby peered back at you , waiting for your approval as you smiled and nodded back at him while deciding to stay back. You very extremely frustrated at this point , all you wanted was cuddles from your man but instead people kept approaching him for clout , that was possibly the second to most thing that bugged you tonight.

You knew Colby wouldn't utter a word although he might get his feelings hurt in this fake world , he chose to be this way and you weren't going to beg him to change. You patiently waited for the man of your dreams to return back , groaning in pure pain once Teala's figures appeared from the dark.

"What's she doing here ?" You whispered once Colby took his seat , his face shining with pure guilt.

"She wanted to come home." He shrugged before whipping his head around as she shimmied her way through the backseat.

"This is such a great car !" She squealed.

Your instant reaction was to cover up your ears , considering the fact that you were almost at the verge of passing out , you just need to be home already.

Colby kept glancing back at you , figuring you'd eventually feel better but nothing seemed to be working at that minute. The screeching voice that omitted out of Teala's lips almost bled your ears out , you just wanted to be left with peace. It was funny how it made you cherish the long , silent drives you shared with Colby , the silence that felt so soothing to you.

"Alright , you can head on upstairs. I'll be up in a minute."

You caught Colby leaning in to share a kiss with you , his face saddening seconds later he focused on Teala's figure in the backseat. He quickly regained his posture and bided the both of you a quick goodbye before reversing his car into his spot.

You were done for the day , the tight fitted dress made you uncomfortable as you quickly undressed yourself , getting ready for bed with your silk white pyjamas shorts and a matching shirt. You let out a deep sigh once your body hit the cold sheets , although you weren't able to find yourself to sleep.

Your body rolled over and over again , the familiar loneliness while Colby wasn't around kicked in , you needed to be in your safe haven-his arms.

The ripples of soft giggles and laughter filled up the atmosphere , your hazy mind processed the actions taking place but soon realised what was truly happening. It was her-with him- it was their laughter.

You waddled your way into Colby's studio room , the light beamed through your eyelids as you scrunched your face up before adjusting to the light. The both of them were filming a Tiktok , a dance one to be specific. You silently chuckled while watching Colby struggle his way through the routine while she gracefully did the job but something seemed to tik you off.

Her ass was pressed up against Colby's crotch as he let out a soft grunt. In doing so , Teala somehow managed to lose her balance and fall back into his chest , his arms automatically wrapped up around her waist while letting out a chuckle and biting down onto his lips.

You heart shattered at the sight of your boyfriend having another girl wrapped up in his arms , a devilish smile plastered across his face and then it clicked to you , he was intoxicated and she was for sure taking advantage of it.

You stomped your way into the room and dragged Colby out , leading the way to your bedroom.

"Hey , What the hell ?!" She yelled back , running towards the both of you. Her eyes scrunched up as she eyed you down nastily. "Mind being a cock blocker ?" She huffed , looking at Colby who was capable of clearly passing out the very next second.

"Mind staying away from my boyfriend ?" You sassed back , you watched as her expression dropped down , taking in the fact that Colby already belonged to someone.

You regretted having to spill about your relationship this way , although you couldn't bottle it up anymore. You knew you'd get hell for it tomorrow when Colby's wide awake and aware of the problem but at this point , you couldn't care less.

"Walk away Teala , you're no longer needed here." You angrily walked towards her , watching her back up from you and enter into the corridors , leaving a quick stare behind at Colby before walking away.

You spun around your heel and witnessed Colby passed out on the couch , soft snores escaping his lips before parting open and mumbling something. You got close enough to listen to his silent cries , he was chanting your name over and over again , his brows scrunched up in pain at the thought of you going away. You sighed deeply , nudging him awake as he began stirring in his sleep.

"Y/n , no-don't leave-y/n !" He cried out , jolting up awake with teary eyes that seemed to spill out all the more tears from thereon.

"I'm sorry baby , I shouldn't have brought her home. This was all a mistake."

You quickly shushed him while bringing him closer to your chest , his hot breath hitting your neck made you tingle before him. "I know , it's alright Colbs." You assured him , but little did he know-there was a pit in your stomach , clearly making you sick.

"Um..I have something to say." You quickly chewed down onto your lip , giving off the emotion best known to him.

"What ? What is it ?" He gleamed with fear , his ears dreading to hear the announcement. "A-are you breaking up..?" He trailed off , unable to complete the horrifying question.

"What , of course not silly." You chuckled , caressing your thumb over his reddened cheeks. "I might've just announced our relationship to Teala. I'm not sure what she's capable of now." You whispered the very last few sentences , your eyes unable to meet his.

"Oh-" was the only word that slipped out of his mouth , you knew you were in a serious trouble , your mind racing towards all the harsh and malicious fights that were bound to take place between the fandom.

"Hey , it's alright. Come here." He cooed , wiping off the droplet that escaped through your eyes. Your body was lifted off the couch and onto his lap , his fingers gently running through your curls. "I guess it's better this way , I'm done pretending to be single. I know what I have with you is real and I'm glad if people find out because honestly , sooner or later they would've. I'm not letting go off you this easily , Y/n." He chuckled , his eyes trailing down to your lips before diving in for a kiss.

"You belong to me , only me."

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