Jealousy 1

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Last night's date was really fun, romantic and amazing. I had fun with Yibo. It is knew of the most memorable things that I won't ever forget.

But the teasing was too much. I accidentally admitted that I want to marry Yibo and make him my Husband. Aisshh that guy, always trying to make me look like a damn tomato hmmp.

I'm now getting ready since Yibo told me that we will be meeting ZhuoCheng and his brother in the City. I'm really excited to see my best friend again after a long time. Especially since I'm already 8 weeks pregnant.

The extreme cravings are still there but they don't always hit me every time. The only problem is the mood swings I get. I sometimes turn grumpy all of a sudden or very sad that I would end up crying over nothing.

It actually made Yibo panic when I first began to cry when a piece of bacon fell on the floor. But soon he got a hang on my weird mood swings and won't panic much that's except when I'm angry.

'Yibo are you finish already? What's taking you so long?' I grumbled as I petted Zhan Zhan while Bo Bo hopped around and even tried to climb up on my leg.

'I'm already finish Zhan just getting your bag in case something comes up.' I smiled at how Yibo always came prepared whenever we go somewhere far.

He never leaves my bag behind. It has all the things that will help when I'm having my mood swings. And he always came prepared when I suddenly began to crave for something.

'Alright take your time hun.' I smiled as I called him that. This is the first time I called him that.

'What did you call me?' I look at the staircase to see Yibo standing wide eyed while blushing furiously. I smirk at the sight of Yibo's red face.

'What's wrong with calling you hun?' I tease him.

'N-n-nothing.' My eyes widen when Yibo began to stutter for the first or second time, I don't know.

'Alright come on already. I want to see Cheng Cheng already.' I pulled Yibo who's still blushing hard to the boat that has been waiting for us for 30 minutes now.

We travelled for another 30 minutes before reaching the pier. Yibo drove us to the meeting place which is the restaurant we ate last night. I smiled widely as I saw Wang HaiKuan standing beside my bestfriend ZhuoCheng.

'ZhuoCheng.' I yelled happily as Yibo held me back. I was too excited that I wanted to tackle him into a death grip hug.

'Aisshh stop yelling you moron.' ZhuoCheng scolded me as Yibo and I got closer to them.

'Eh you don't miss me at all?' I said as my face sadden and tears began to pool in my eyes. Here comes these damn mood swings again.

'Zhan. Hey shhh, stop. Zhan don't cry please.' Yibo tried to calm me down but my tears are already falling. Even his brother is panicking as ZhuoCheng looked at me shock.

'Let's get Zhan inside Yibo.' HaiKuan suggested and Yibo nodded as he carried me inside since he knew I won't budge if he tried to make me walk. I whimpered along the way to our booth.

'Aisshh Xiao Zhan sorry for scolding you. And of course I miss you. You're my bestfriend.' ZhuoCheng said as he hugged me when Yibo put me down. I smiled and hug back as my tears finally stop flowing.

'Alright now that's that all settled let's get sitted and take our order.' We took our sits and soon a waitress came to take our order.

'Good Morning gentlemen. What can I get you all?' I notice how she kept eyeing Yibo with lustful eyes. She even made sure to expose her cleavage.

'We'll have the usual and some white wine and the usual dessert as well.' HaiKuan said without looking up at her. I raised my eyebrow when she started to touch Yibo's hand.

'How about you handsome?' I began to fume at what she said.

'We'll take the usual like them and one white wine and a glass of chocolate milk shake.' Yibo said before giving her one look then going back to the menu.

'Alright, your orders coming up in 15 minutes.' After that she began to walk away with an extra sway to her hips.

'So... How have you been Xiao Zhan?' I turned to look at HaiKuan and smiled.

'I'm doing fine big brother Kuan. How about you guys? What's up with you two?' I asked just in tine to see ZhuoCheng blushing.

HaiKuan held ZhuoCheng's hand in his before looking at me.

'Xiao Zhan, your bestfriend and I are now officially in a relationship. I hope you give us your blessings for this.' That made me smile wider.

'Don't worry big brother Kuan you have my full blessing on this. If you want you can even marry him already.' I laugh as ZhuoCheng turned redder but that was disturbed when that waitress came back but this time her clothes was different.

She was now wearing an even more revealing clothes. Her boobs almost about to pop out. She even made sure to bite her lips for effects of trying to look seductive.

She carefully placed our orders on the table as Yibo handed her his black card which she took but not before she held his hand a bit longer. I was already fuming mad at this. Yibo didn't even try to take his hand back.

Since he's like that I decided to play a game. I stood up, went out and waited for the waitress to come out. When she came out I trip her.

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