Perfect Gift And Surprise

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It's been a month now and I still can't remember a thing. But I'm also now happy to be with Yibo. The twins are also great company. I always play with then whenever I'm feeling bored.

Yibo's friends had helped me a lot as well. They kept me busy when Yibo's not around. Right now I'm busy with Lu jie since  Yibo's birthday is coming up and I want to give him a surprise.

The Mansion is being decorated and a lot of foods are being tasted by Yibo's parents since it's not only Yibo's Birthday Party but also our delayed Engagement Party.

A lot of people will come and so it's necessary to have a lot of foods and for the design to be amazing too. I myself is busy in choosing the perfect gift abd surprise for Yibo. Even though I still can't remember our memories together I still want to surprise him.

The twins are with Yibo's Mom and Yibo is with his Dad and the two of them are out of town and will be returning two days from now. Since I finally accepted Yibo even without my memories we already did it a few times.

I'm pretty sure Yibo was the cause on why we did it for who knows how many times. He kept seducing me that's why I was done by him a lot of times.

'A-Zhan how about going to the mall. Maybe you'll see something that will be a great gift to Yibo.' Lu jie suggested and I happily agreed to it. .

We took Yibo's Lambhorgini and made our way to the most popular mall in Beijing. The place was huge and there are a lot of stores to look at.

'So what store do you want to go first?' Lu jie asked. I shrugged since I don't really know anything about shopping.

'Alright I guess we'll just go to every store and see if something is to your liking.' I just let Lu jie dragged me around the mall. Going in stores after stores.

After 3 hours of looking around I still didn't find anything that will be a perfect gift for Yibo. I'm already tired of walking around for so long. Lu jie even got into a fight just for a freaking dress that she likes.

I was looking around in another store that Lu jie pulled me into when my eyes caught something. It was a necklace for men and the design was just captivating.

The necklace was made of pure gold with an infinite design and a plate at the back of the infinite design. I went to the shop and asked the lady if I could see it. It was so beautiful and it comes in pairs.

I was about to asked the sales lady for the price when another voice cut me off.

'Miss I would like this please. Wrap it now.' A woman who's face looks like a clowns face said.

'Sorry Ma'am but we are out of stock already and this man here wants it.' The sales lady said which made me shock. I'm not even gonna ask on how she knew that I want the necklace.

'I don't care. He didn't pay yet so I gueds it's mine now.' She threw a credit card to the sales lady but she didn't move a muscle.

'Sorry Ma'am but we can't accept this.' The sales lady said coldly.

'And who are you to disobey me, the fiance of Wang Yibo?' The woman fumed before slamming her hands on thr glass.

'This mall belongs to the Wang Family and this man here is the wife of Mr. Yibo.' After she said that Yixuan and Seung-Youn came inside and stood beside me.

'So this is the fag that stole Yibo from me?' She look me up and down and even sneered at me. My blood boiled at that. How dare she call me a fag. I'm only gay for Yibo and no one else.

I slap her hard making her fall to the floor. I stood up and went to her side. Gripping her hair I slap her again and this time back to back. I made sure her cheeks are bright red when I finally stop.

Yixuan gave me a bag and even handed a black card with gold designs to me. After giving her one last slap, I walk out of the store.

'That was awesome.' Seung-Youn happily said. I laugh at that. It was pretty awesome and intense. I can't believe I just did that. I didn't even know where I got the strength to do that

'Finally A-Zhan. I have been looking everywhere for you!' Lu jie said before hugging me tight.

She took me by the arm and both of us went to a restaurant to eat. Yixuan and Seung-Youn accompanied us.

'Alright so what did you buy for Yibo?' She asked and I shyly showed her the two necklace.

'Oh my! He'll love it and the story that comes with it.'

'Story?' I asked puzzled.

Seung-Youn showed me his phone and a video played. There I saw myself slapping the woman from earlier. While watching rhe whole video I began to feel sick.

The smell of the restaurant made me even nore sick and dizzier. I tried to stand up but my knees buckled and thankfully Yixuan caught me on time. Before I could say something I black out.


Oh my god.....

A-Zhan just fainted and we are now back at the mansion. I'm still freaking out and my dear husband Cao Yu Chen is trying to calm me down. A-Ling is beside me silently crying as we watch the Wang Family's Doctor check on him.

'Calm down A-Lu. A-Ling is already getting scared. Xiao Zhan is going to be okay trust me.' Yu Chen softly said which finally calmed me down. I hugged A-Ling tight.

'Alright Xiao Zhan is okay. Nothing to worry about,  he just passed out since he's three weeks pregnant now that's why he fainted.'

I nearly fainted at what I heard.

A-Zhan is pregnant AGAIN.....

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