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As I've thought, Zhan became more eager to train and everyday he improves a lot. Pretty soon I'm sure he'll be unbeatable. He has a unique touch to his fighting style which makes it more deadly.

And trust me it really hurts. I've already tasted it when I tried to sleep with Zhan and he instead gave me a round house kick and it hurts like hell. I felt numb after receiving that blow.

Today's the day where Zhan will have to fight against my friends.
Zhou Yixuan, Cho Seung-Youn, Kim Sung-Joo, Li Wenhan and the last would be me.

Everyone is now preparing while Zhan is still lock up in the bathroom. The twins are now with Mom and Dad as the others began to prepare the gym where the fight will happen.

'Zhan come out already. It's nearly time.' I yelled as I knock on the bathroom door. Zhan has been there for a while now.

'Yibo can I request for this fight to happen another day?' Zhan asked as he opened the door. He looks nervous.

'Zhan come on why back down now. You have been training for weeks now and look at how much you've improve. Right now this is all a test to see how strong you've become and if you pass then no more hard trainings. And you can finally protect the twins.' That spark something inside Zhan as I saw nothing but determination in them.

I smiled before pulling him out of our room and straight to the gym. The others are already ready and Zhan is the only one missing. We all prepared ourselves as Zhan will fight first against Yixuan.

The crowd roars in excitement as Yixuan attack first which was a big mistake. I learned it the hard way when Zhn let me attack him first and I ended up with a back pain.

Zhan flip Yixuan easily earning a grunt then he went for the weak spot that will render the opponent with minimum moment due to too much pain. It didn't even take long before Yixuan tap out clearly attending and admitting defeat.

I smiled at Zhan as Seung-Youn went inside the ring. The next fight began. I held YuZhi close to me as Dad handed him to me earlier. His eyes are now open and they look beautiful.

YuZhi has light brown eyes while YuFei has dark brown eyes. YuZhi has my nose and face shape while YuFei has Zhan's. I'm pretty sure that when they grow up they will be beautiful. Just like my Zhan.

Zhan gave Seung-Youn an uppercut then a roundhouse kick. Zhan then finishes him off with a butterfly kick on his chest. YuZhi clapped his cute little hands as Zhan won. The others shouted as well as Zhan stood straight.

Soon Wenhan entered and the fight began. The battle lasted for a while since Wenhan isn't actually easy to beat. He moves fast and have some tricks of his own. I nearly voiced out my thoughts when Zhan punch Wenhan straight on his nose.

I swear I could hear a loud crunch. Blood started to trail down Wenhan's nose. He gave Zhan a round house kick and Zhan didn't even have time to dodge.

Zhan fell on the flirt clutching his chest before standing up after a good five minutes break. Zhan's eyes held a crazy look that made me shiver.

In a blink of an eye Wenhan is already on the ground knock out.

Sung-Joo followed next and just like the other results he was beaten by Zhan quickly. Now the crowd goes wild, yelling more loudly as it's tine for me to enter the ring.

Dad took YuZhi from me and I entered the ring. I went to Zhan and have him a quick kiss before going back to my spot. I smirk as Zhan glared at me with blushing face. It was a cute sight and good thing Xuan Lu was taking pictures right behind me.

The bell rang and the fight began. I stood still not daring to make any move. Zhan grew frustrated as the minutes go by. Soon I was smiling as Zhan attack me head on.

I can feel the power of his punches just by the feeling of the wind. And I knee that the punches from earlier aren't really holding much strength and power. Zhan was serious at getting me and now I kinda regret teasing him.

Zhn gave me un uppercut which I couldn't dodge. I fell hard on the floor as I massage my jaws. I tried trapping Zhan on a head lock but it failed and in the end I was the one trapped in a head lock.

30 minutes later. Zhan and I are both panting hard. We are now attacking each other like our life depended on it. Everyone was now on edge on who will win.

Since I'm already tired and I want to end this I quickly lunged at Zhan and gave him a hard punch which he block easily. As I was about to give him a powerful kick my jewels were hit hard.

I fell to the ground groaning while clutching my aching dick. Zhan trick me and hit me on my weakest point.

The crowd erupted in loud laughter as Zhan was declared the winner. After a while the pain subsided and I stood up. I went to Zhan and gave him a hug.

'Nice one babe. You trick me dare but hey you are pretty unbeatable. I'm surprise you defeated my best fighters.' I said before kissing his cheeks.

'Well I learned from the best.' That made me laugh hard. Indeed my Zhan learned from the best.

YuZhi was clapping his hands while YuFei was giggling as Mom and Dad gave the twins to us. I smiled as I kissed my family.

Now I'm all confident in leaving Zhan alone to protect himself. I want to see how well he does when left in the hands of enemies.

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