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After the drama yesterday I woke up right beside A-Cheng who's still asleep. I decided to watch his cute sleeping face for a while that is until someone cleared their throat. I look at the door and saw my brother and beside him is a fuming A-Zhan.

I quickly stood up and that's when A-Zhan decided to give me a roundhouse kick on the stomach. I curled in a fatal position as I held my stomach in pain. My eyes watered as I tried to breath properly.

'That's for being an idiot and putting my bestfriends life in danger. You could've told him the truth and made him pretend and instead you kept him in the dark. That's the one thing ZhuoCheng hates. Being left out.' A-Zhan said before slapping me.

His slap felt more like a punch and it hurts. He kept yelling at me as Yibo held him to make sure he doesn't murder me. I lowered my head since he was right.

I was an idiot for doing this to A-Cheng. This could've been avoided if only I told him the truth. He and I could've helped each other. Instead I decided to keep him in the dark watching me try and trick Chang Yun.

'Yibo stop holding me back. I want to teach your idiot of a brother a lesson for hurting my best friend now let me go.' A-Zhan yelled as he tried to break out of Yibo's strong hold.

'No. I don't want to see you murdering my brother.' I would've laugh at the scene infront of me if not for A-Zhan being after me.

'Yibo let him go. Let him teach me a lesson please...' I pleaded and Yibi could only nod since he knows that he can't do much for me. I deserve this and I want A-Zhan to be the one to wake me up from this stupidity of mine.

I waited until I fekt the first strong punch land on the right side of my face. I fell on the floor but I didn't move an inch. I allowed A-Zhan to treat me like a punching bag.


Zhan tortured brother for 3 hours. Brother looks dead already so I decided to stop him. I carried Zhan outside and doctors came in immediately to take care of my brother.

'Better now?'

'Yup. I finally feel better after beating brother Kuan up. I feel bad but the thought of what he did to my bestfriend made me want to hurt him some more.' Zhan grumbled and I chuckled before giving his nape a quick kiss.

'Don't kill my brother or ZhuoCheng won't forgive you. Remember, he loves brother so much okay.'

'Aishhh fine just take me home. I want to llay with the twins and I'm hungry.... Oh I want pickled dip in chocolate with lots of longan.' I winced when I heard Zhan mumbled those kind of foods.

Even though he's already 5 months he still craves a lot of weord foods.

'As you wish my cute wife.' I carried him all the way to my car and quickly drove home. I'm sure the foods Zhan wantedhas already been prepared by Zixuan and Sung-Joo.

When we got home Zhan quickly ran inside. I decided to call someone first.


'Yes...hmmm...' I heard HaoXuan moaning.

'Faster babe...'

'Give me the file containing all the information about the Chang brothers.' I said loudly since he's moaning so loudly over the phone.

'Oh...yeahhh...faster...' I cringed when HaoXuan moaned loudly.

'Bring it to me ASAP.' I yelled over the phone before ending the call.

I called Wenhan since he's near HaoXuan's place.

'What's up Bo?'

'Ruin HaoXuan's sex time. That damn bastard better be here before 3 or else I'm gonna cut off his dick.'

'Hahaha. Let me guess you called at the wrong time. Again.' I growled when I heard Wenhan laughing.

'Aishhh shut up and do as your told.'


After that I went inside to find Zhn happily eating the foods he wanted. The twins are watching him hungrily while Zixuan and Sung-Joo are enjoying themselves while taking a video of the twins drooling while watching Zhan.

I was about to give the two a few punches when HaoXuan walked in looking grumpy.

'Here's the info. Now olease don't call me for a week. Jiyang nearly cut of my dick when I stop halfway through our love making. You do realize that Jiyang is scary when he's mad.' I lightly patted HaoXuan's back before looking back at the twins.

'Alright since it's done now I'm gonna head back and try to make my lover not cut off my dick.' HaoXuan said which earned him a laugh from the two idiots who's still taking a video of my twins.

After HaoXuan left that's when I let out a chuckle.

'You called him at the wrong time again didn't you?' Zixuan asked and I only nodded.

'I have  job for the two of you.' I look at Zixuan then Sung-Joo.

'Find out if there's a person behind the Chang brothers.' The two nodded and quickly left. I carried the twins to the kitchen and fed them before giving them to there nanny.


After getting beaten by A-Zhan I was hospitalized. And I made sure to stay in the same room as A-Cheng.

I took a hold of A-Cheng's hand and that's when I felt it twitch. I quickly sat up groaning from the fast movement. I push ghe botton at the top of A-Cheng's bed and not too long two doctors and a few nurse came in.

'What's wrong?' The doctor asked.

'He's waking up.' That's all I said as tears began racing down my face. A-Cheng's hand began twitching and soon his eyes opened.

I made sure not to sob loudly so I silently cried as I watch him looking around the room.

'A-Cheng.' I whispered his name and it seems he heard me since he turned and look at me.

He watch me cry and soon he was crying as well. With the help of the nurse I transfered to          A-Cheng's bed and gave him a hug.

'Finally your awake.' I kept mumbling as I cried harder.

One Night Stand Equals A Baby [🔒]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant