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I calm zhan down as he began to panic. What brother told him was way too straight forward. He didn't even asked if Zhan would like to try to learn on how to defend himself. I can't actually agree to that idea but it's for the best.

I can't always be there for Zhan whenever he gets in trouble in the future. And it's best if Zhan knows how to defend himself. That way I won't have to at least worry about him most of the time.

'Zhan please do understand. If you learn how to fight at least you will not get hurt and you won't be followed by my men all the time.' I tried to persuade him and it is not going good.

'But Yibo I can't fight. I don't know how and look at my body. Is it even fit to do that?' His body looks fine, a bit thin but with exercise and proper meals he'll be good. And besides he's already starting to get fat due to being pregnant.

'That's why you are going to train and learn how to fight. So if one day your life is in danger and I won't be there you can at least defend and protect yourself.' I hugged him before explaining further.

'And you know Zhan, you can finally protect our child when something bad happens. You won't have to rely on my men or me to protect him or her.' Zhan began to understand what I'm telling him.

'Alright then but I'll only agree if the one that will be teaching me is Yibo and no one else.' That made me smile like an idiot. I'm glad Zhan finally agreed. This way he can protect himself from harm.

I'll make sure to make him as good as I am or even better than me at fighting. I'll even teach him some of our secret moves and techniques. I'll make sure he knows everything about fighting, defending, and attacking as well as using different kinds of weapons.

If Zhan happens to be as good as I am then the two of us will be a legendary duo.

'Alright my Zhan it's a deal. I'll start training you after the baby is born. For now I'll just have to protect you 24/7. I won't even let you out of my sight.' I cuddled with him some more before we began to eat.

After eating we decided to take a stroll around the City. Going into shops, food stall, cafes, and pet stores. Zhan had been insisting on buying Zhan Zhan and Bo Bo new things, like a bed, toys, rabbit clothes and foods.

After that he began to crave for ice creams and it's a good thing we are near an ice cream parlor. We took our sits and I ordered Zhan's favorite ice cream whole brother ordered their favorite one.

'So aside from the talk earlier, I'm here to tell you both that our family doctor will be coming to check up on you Zhan. We have to know if the baby is healthy, and if it's only one baby or not.' I agreed with brother since we haven't had a check up yet so we don't know much about what the baby's condition is.

'Okay. I want to know how my baby is doing. And I want to asked some tips on how to always stay relax and calm once I'm nearing my last month of pregnany.' Zhan said happily before shoving a spoon film of ice cream on my mouth.

I admit back then I hated chocolate but now I love them. And it's also because Zhan has a sweet tooth and loves to eat chocolates. We finished our ice creams and now we are heading to the park to relax and rest for a bit.

The good part about this meet up is that brother and Zhuo Cheng are staying with us for tonight. And I'm sure Zhan would love that.

Night time came and we all decided to eat at a restaurant but quickly since Zhan wanted to go home already. He's missing Zhan Zhan and Bo Bo who's all alone on the island.

Not too long later we are now on our way back to the island. The waves are strong so we had to make sure to ride not too fast or else we might get tumbled over by the waves.

'Yibo.... I can't take it anymore I'm gonna hurl... Ughh.' I rubbed Zhan's back as he puked all the foods he ate earlier out. The ships continuous movements from different directions made Zhan dizzy.

The bad weather added more to the raging waves, good thing we arrive at the islands dock safely. I carried Zhan as he still felt dizzy and weak from the intense ride earlier.

'Yibo I'm hungry.' Zhan whined and it's a good thing I decided to buy some extra food or else I'll have to deal with grumpy Zhan again. And trust me it was a hell of a work trying to calm him down and cheer him up.

'Yibo we'll take a rest now. See you tomorrow.' I nodded as brother carried his sleeping wife upstairsto his room. While I decided to take Zhan to the kitchen to eat.

While Zhan is happily eating I decide to give Zhan Zhan and Bo Bo their new things. I laugh a little at Bo Bo who happily hop around in his new clothes.

I won't guess anymore since it's clearly obvious that the two love their new things. I took a sit beside Zhan who is now finishing his food.

I hug him tight as I began to rub his belly again.

'I can't wait for our child to be born.' I softly said. I kiss Zhn softly.

'Me too hun. Me too.' Zhan returned my kiss soon the kiss turned heated and we both continues kissing until we got to our room.

There I ravish Zhan's body again. I made sure to be gentle as I took him. I made love with him all night long and it was amazing.

One Night Stand Equals A Baby [🔒]Where stories live. Discover now