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Happy Ending


Our honeymoon was now over and Zhan and I are heading back home. Zhan really is rushing me since he miss the twins so much. Xuan Lu kept calling us since the twins sometimes won't stop crying unless they hear our voices.

Right now Zhan is sleeping in the cabin of my private plane while I instruct the pilot with a few things. I'm really excited to get home since I miss the twins so much. After thatI joined Zhan but I didn't sleep instead I watch my Zhan sleep cutely.

When we arrived at theairport I didn't bother waling Zhan up and just carrying him towards the car that was waiting for us. It wasn't long before we arrived at the Wang Mansion where all of them are happily waiting. Zhan was already awake so he ran or more like waddled toqards the twins who happily hug him.

I gave mom and dad a hug as well as my brother and ZhuoCheng before hugging my twins. I miss these two trouble makers. We then decided to have a brabeque party at the backyard. The twins happily played with Pei Xin and Yuan.

'I'm glad we're finally home.' Zhan said as he hug me back. I hug him tight giving his nape a gentle kiss. I'm still not too satiafied with our honeymoon and I still want to ravish Zhan's body but I have to hold back for now until the little one comes out and then I'll probably make Zhan pregnant again.

That is if Zhan wants another child.


A few months later

Zhan and I are now rushing to the hospital after his water broke on our way to the company I'm handling. I already informed my parents and the others before driving like a maniac towards the hospital.

'Ahhhh Yibo...' I wince as Zhan let out a very loud screech. My eardrums nearly broke.

'Don't worry we're almost there Zhan just take deep breaths okay.' I winced again when Zhan held my left hand tightly.

'I'm never letting you sleep woth me again. I'll cut off your dick if I have to just to stop you from getting me pregnant.' Zhan angrily yelled and held my hand even tighter. I felt my bones nearly breaking.

I then let out a sigh when we made it to the hospital. There was a lot of nurse waiting for us so it didnt take much longer to get Zhan into the emergency room. I was then ushered to another room to put on a proper safety outfit ( I don't know what it's called so yeah bear with me).

I then stood beside Zhan who kept cursing at me it's already scaring me. I'm afraid Zhan might really cut off my dick if I make him pregnant again.

'Come on Zhan deep breaths. Our little one is about to come out so bear with it.' Ishould've probably kept mymouth shut since Zhan gave me a glare before taking deep breaths.

'He's ready.' The nurse said and we then began. Zhan was pushing while I tried not to let out a scream of my own since my hand is really being broken by Zhan's tight grip.

'We can't do this the proper way. The baby isn't properly positioned so we're gonna have to cut him open and get the baby.' The doctor said nd I nodded. They prepared and cut Zhan's stomach enough to get the baby out.

I hold Zhan's hand tight as I watch the procedure happen. A few minutes later the baby was out and that's when I heard it's loud cry.

'It's a boy.' I teared up as I look at my son. A nurse cleaned him up then handed him to me. I carefully cradled my son in my arms as the doctor works on Zhan.

'Yibo let me look at our son.' I kiss Zhan's forehead then showed him our son. I gently placed him in Zhan's arms then he began sucking on his breast.

'Wang Sizhui.' I heard Zhan say and I smiled at that. Our little one's name is Wang Sizhui. I'm pretty sure he's gonna be a mama's boy when he grows up.

After Zhan was cleaned and move to a room that's when my parents and the others came. A few awws were heardwhen they saw the little Sizhui sleeping.

'What's his name Yibo?' I smiled at mom then look at Zhan and Sizhui who's both sleeping.

'Wang Sizhui.'


After a week Zhan was allowed to go home. My parents then decided to throw him a surprise and welcome party for our Sizhui. I guided Zhan as the twins ran around us both trying to see their little brother.

I put on a blindfold on Zhan then we went to the backyard. After counting to three I pulled the blindfold and said along with the others.

'Welcome to the family Wang Sizhui.'

'Thank you so much everyone. I love you all especially you Yibo.' I hug Zhan as he cried a bit Sizhui was already awake and watching us curiously with his cute eyes. I kiss the tip of his nose making his face scrunch a little.

'I love you Wang Yibo.'

'I love you too Wang Zhan.' I kiss Zhan tenderly before the twins interrupted us. Laughing I hug them both.

'I love you two as well Wang YuFei and Wang YuZhi.'

This is the family that I've always dreamed of. Having my kids and my lovely wife in my arms is enough for me. As long we are all happy it's all that matters to me.


This is the ending of my book One Night Stand Equals A Baby.
Hope you all enjpyed reading my story.

Thank you all for the support and to your comments which I love to read. Also thanks for the votes. Even though I sometimes take too long to update but still I'm thankful to all my readers and followers I've gained through this book.


Update Note:

So I have been contacted by someone from an app called Good Novel. I was offered a great deal and it is about this book too.

Now I'm considering which contract should I take since I wanted to make money to help in my financials. It is either exclusive or non-exclusive.

If I take the first one then this book will only have 6 chapters in this app and will be posted in Good Novel where you can continue the rest of it.

The second one is quite okay but the pay is cut off to about half of what I can earn in the first one. But it will be available in any platforms though I guess as a paid story.

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