Bad News

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The operation was successful and Zhan was saved but there is a catch.

Zhan was in a coma and the doctors doesn't know how long it will take or when he will wake up. The damages are too great especially on his head that's what caused him to go into coma.

I was a crying mess after that. Zhan's whole body was wrap with bandages and different tubes are connected to him. His whole face bruised and I couldn't even look at him without bursting into tears.

It's been a week now and Zhan shows no sign of waking up at all. The twins are already getting mad. They won't stop crying unless they are near their mother. They won't even eat properly without being in the presence of Zhan.

It is tearing me apart to see my kids like this. What more is seeing the love of my life lying in a hospital bed.

'Yibo come on, you should take a good rest. Look at your faces. The dark circles are already visible and your lips are very dry.' Seung-Youn scolded me as he got in Zhan's room.

'Shut up.' I whispered. I no longer have the strength to do anything besides sit on a chair and watch my Zhan all day long. This has been my routine for the whole week.

'Yibo if you don't at least eat something you'll collapse. You haven't been eating right and would always stay here doing nothing but staring at Zhan.' Yixuan said as well before Brother came in the room.

'Yibo please listen to us. We're only worried for you here. Do you think Zhan would want you to do this to yourself? It's not only you that wants Zhan back, the twins as well Yibo.' What brother said made me snap out of it.

I took Zhan's hand and gave it a gentle squeezed before nodding at brother and following him out. We went back home where I finally ate properly. The twins had been crying when I got to there room.

'Hush my little angels. Daddy's here.' I cooed at them and that made them stop crying. YuZhi held my finger while YuFei just look at me.

'They've been missing you and Zhan a lot you know.' I turned towards the door where Dad stood.

'Sorry Dad.'

'No need Yibo. I know how it feels to have to wait for someone who we don't even know when will wake up. Your mother was once in Zhan's position and it nearly made me insane. I'm just glad your still holding up.' I smiled at Dad and hugged him tight.

My tears began to fall again. Soon sobs raked my whole body as Dad hugged me back.

'Cry all you want Yibo.'

I cried some more before Brother had to interrupt us.

'Yibo! Zhan's having signs of waking up.' That made me bolt straight outside the house where the car is waiting. Brother was right behind me along with the others.

We all headed back to the hospital and brother was right. Zhan was now moving his fingers but his eyes are not open yet.

'How is he doc?'

'He's recovering fast and soon he'll probably wake up. We just need to wait for it.' I nodded before taking a sit next to Zhan. I took his hand in mine and gave it a gentle kiss.

'Zhan please hurry up and wake up. The twins and I are missing you so much.' I whispered silently.

I smiled as Zhan's finger moved a bit. It's really a sign that he's about to wake up soon.

A day had passed and Zhan had finally woken up. He's looking around while I stood at the corner watching him.

'W-where am I?' Zhan asked as the doctors came in.

'Calm down sir, we are here to check on you.' Zhan looked reluctant but he agreed.

I stood beside his bed as the doctors checked on him. I'm already dreading to know the answer to it.

'Mr. Wang can I please speak to you for a minute?' The doctor asked.

I noddedy head a bit and we both got out of Zhan's room. We stood right outside and the doctor told me the news I was dreading to hear.

'Xiao Zhan has an amnesia and we don't know how long it will take for him to remember. It was due to the hard blow he received on his head that caused all this.' My knees buckled and I fell to the floor. Tears pouring out of my eyes.

I can't believe this. Zhan has forgotten me and his son and daughter. An arm wrap around me as I sob hard. I knew it was Mom as all the others are now here and silently crying.

'It's going to be okay Yibo. We'll all help Zhan to remember.' Mom said soothingly.

I still continued to cry hard. All those amazing moments I had with Zhan on the island came flashing in my mind. I want him to remember those again.

A look of determination cross my eyes as I stood up, wiping my tears away and I went back into Zhan's room. I took a sit beside his bed and took both of his hands. Even though be gave me a puzzled look I didn't say anything and instead I smiled and introduced myself.

'Hi Xiao Zhan I'm Wang Yibo. I'm your Husband but I guess you don't remember but the ring on your finger proves it as well as the twins.' I said before kissing both his hands.

'Husband!? Twins!?' Zhan looks more puzzled but I just chuckled lightly.

'Don't worry my Zhan. You'll remember soon but for now just trust me okay.' I look at his eyes and said those three words.

'I love you Zhan. Trust me and I'll help you remember.' I smiled widely as Zhan nodded his head.

'I-I I love you too Wang Yibo.' That made me burst into tears again. I hug Zhan tightly letting some sobs escape me.

At least he told me he loves me. It was better than nothing.


Sorry for updating so late. I got sick and it was hard for me to move around without getting dizzy but I'm okay now.

So here's the next chapter hope you like it.

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