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The next day, I woke up early and told Yixuan and the others to prepare Zhan's parents in the torture room.

Today's the day where Zhan and I will end everything. I'll make sure to give Zhan's parents a slow and painful death. But right now I need to worry about my own death.

Zhan's nowhere to be found as I woke up all alone in our room. Gulping a bit I stood up, wore my boxers then slowly made my way to the bathroom. Look left, look right, no sign of Zhan yet.

I went back to the bed and quickly look for my phone. After finsing it at my drawerI quickly texted Yixuan.

I slip in some cozy shorts and a shirt before going out of my room. It creeps me out as I'm walking in the hallway. It was really silent and I haven't seen my parents or even my friends.

I began to check every room in the house and found no one. Yixuan isn't even answering my calls.


My soul nearly flew away when I heard that loud thud coming from upstairs. With careful steps I began to back away heading straight for the front door.

If this house is haunted then I don't want to witness the haunting myself. I ran outside before being grab by someone and being thrown on the ground hard.

'Ouch that has got to hurt.' I heard someone say and I recognized the voice immediately. It was Seung-Youn.

I groaned and look up to see Zhan looking at me like he's about to murder me.

'Next time I'll make sure to do you so you'll feel how painful it is when you are fuck hard at night in the morning. I'll make sure you can't walk the next day.' He coldly said before walking away from me.

That's when I saw all the others looking at me. I groaned when mom finally started laughing along with dad. Soon the others followed.

Instead of getting mad at them I stood up and followed Zhan who's now heading to the torture room. Yixuan and the others followed soon.


'Talk. Why did you sold Zhan when he was still young?' I made sure that I look intimidating to them.

Zhan was behind me looking coldly at his so called parents.

'Tsk... Don't bother asking stupid questions. You won't get anything from us.'


'I'll asked you again. Why did you sold Zhan at a young age?' I asked before pointing my gun at Zhan's mom. This might get his dad to answer me.

'Alright I'll answer. We were poor back then, really poor and we struggled to find a decent job. That time Zhan was a pretty beautiful boy and many business men are willing to pay us at a high cost for Zhan. We disagreed at first but when Zhan's grandmother became ill we didn't have much choice then. We sold him to a business man who manages a brothel for 500 million and we used that money to help my mother. After that we tried to get Zhan back but it was too late as he was taken away by another business men.' His dad sob hard as he told me the story.

But I knew that those tears are fake. I can tell that he's. Making most of the things up probably to gain skmething like pity from me but too bad for him. I don't pity anyone who dares to hurt my Zhan.

'Enough lies. Your mother died right before I was born in this world. Just tell the truth that you sold me to get a better life for the two of you. That the jobs you are doing aren't enough to give you more money. You didn't love me at all. You both just raised me so you could sold me for some green paper. Well guess what, karma's a bitch and now it's payback time.' Zhan yelled at his dad before whipping his mom nonstop.

'Oh and I already found out the truth about myself. I wasn't even your own yet you had the guts to fucking sold me. I now knew who my real parents are.' With that Zhan continued to torture his fake mom.

While I torture his dad. We both used different tools to inflict pain to both of them. I even made sure to mark there bodies for reminder of what they did to my Zhan.

After a while of punching his dad nonstop I took the gun and pointed it at him.

'Zhan your call.' I look at Zhan tk see him crying while whipping his fake mom.

Our torturing went for 4 hours after that Zhan and I killed both of them. The place was then cleaned by my men as I carried Zhan back to our room.

'Just because I let you carry me doesn't mean you're off the hook Yibo. So instead of doing you I'll just have to punish you with no sex for a month.' I nearly fell on the stairs as Zhan said that.

'You can't do that Zhan.' I pleaded as Zhan ignored me and closed his eyes.

'You choose then. You let me be on top and doing you or no sex for a month?' Zhan gave me a daring look before closing his eyes again.

With a defeated sigh I proceeded to my room where I gently placed Zhan on my bed. I then kneeled infront of him.

'Alright I choose to let you do me instead Zhan but not now.' Zhan gave me a sweet smile before giving me a quick kiss.

'Then that's a promise and I can't wait to try doing you.' Zhan smirked evily as I gulp.

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