The Hydra Express

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Getting the hydras out of hock on Wednesday took half the morning. Hermione had planned to Apparate into London's Magical Customs House, sign some forms and pop away again—an hour, tops. But the customs clerk insisted that she take custody of the hydras at Kings Cross Station and personally place them on the Hogwarts Express for delivery to the castle. The train was making a fast supply run that day, reaching Hogsmeade at 4:20 p.m.

The Customs House had an owl post, so Hermione sent one owl to Hagrid, telling him to meet the hydras at Hogsmeade Station, then another to Harry, asking if he'd like to have tea before she saw the little monsters off. Harry turned up almost immediately in front of Kings Cross, wearing a dark muggle coat and hat. Hermione wore a blue wool coat over her uniform, with her robes and books packed into her pink beaded bag.

Harry hustled her to a tiny, grimy muggle teashop nearby. Hermione was alarmed by her best friend's appearance—Harry's face was pale and his eyes hollow behind smudged glasses.

"No, I haven't been sleeping much," he admitted, downing three cups of strong tea. "We're close to capturing a Death Eater cell, but they keep moving." He looked around sharply, then lowered his already-low voice even further. "Watch yourself, Hermione, one of them's not."

Hermione leaned forward. "Not what?" she whispered back.

"Not not, Nott." A faint gleam of amusement crossed Harry's face, reminding her of Theo, and then she gasped, understanding. Harry nodded. "Regis Nott. We thought he was in Germany, but he's been sighted. He's probably been here the whole time."

Hermione stared at him wide-eyed over her teacup.

"Regis is the youngest brother, pretty small potatoes," Harry went on, finishing his fourth cup, "but he's still a Nott. Tell your boyfriend to be careful. I'd advise Theodore not to leave the castle."

"Harry, Theo and I—"

Harry made a tiny shushing sound and Hermione stopped speaking immediately. They drank their tea in silence, careful not to make the smallest clink of spoon against saucer. After ten minutes, Harry nodded and straightened in his chair.

"A ministry official just left," he said. "I'm supposed to be in the field. Kingsley would be furious if he knew, but I had to warn you. That Prophet article links you to the Notts." Harry's green eyes were sharp, if slightly bloodshot. "Hermione, what's wrong?"

"Harry," she began again. "About Theo—"

"What, have you seen something? Has he said something?" Harry suddenly looked hungry, his hand tightening on his teacup.

"No," Hermione said calmly, while inside her mind screamed, "What are you doing? This is Harry! Tell him about the owl! Tell him!"

"I'll warn Theo," was all she said.

Harry nodded. "Alright then. How is your creepy blood potion coming along?"

"Still simmering," Hermione said. "I need a few more days."

Harry downed the rest of his tea. "I have to go." He took her hand and stood, drawing her into a hug. "Owl me if you hear anything," he whispered.

Hermione felt wretched. Tell him! You stupid bint, tell him!

After Harry slipped out of the shop. Hermione sunk back into her chair and took a few moments to hate herself. Why didn't she tell him? But that look in Harry's eye ... the aurors would be all over Hogwarts in a heartbeat, demanding to interrogate Theo. Ugh, what was it about these Slytherins that brought out her protective instincts?

Hermione brooded over her stupidity as she made her way to Platform 9 ¾, where a Magical Customs inspector nervously waited with a large cage of thick iron mesh. Small licks of flame spurted out the top and sides, almost setting fire to the paperwork the sweating, terrified official thrust at her.

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