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Hermione slipped down to breakfast early the next morning, hoping to eat quickly and return to Gryffindor Tower until Ancient Runes. But she was still discovered outside the Great Hall doors by a handsome Slytherin, thankfully not Malfoy.

"Hermione," Theo said, striding toward her. "You weren't at dinner last night. Ginny said you were ill."

"Just tired," she said. "Nothing to worry about."

He gave her an impish grin. "We'll have to find better reasons than studying to stay up late."

"Perhaps." She couldn't help smiling back.

"In the meantime, I've caught up in Transfiguration and Herbology, and Slughorn is helping me brew two potions after dinner tonight."

Hermione was pleased. "Then there's only our Defense Against the Dark Arts seminar. That's today, and trust me, it has not been demanding. Just remember, 'Love is the only defense.'"

Theo chuckled. "I'm looking forward to that class."

"That makes one of us." Hermione was beginning to think Bluebell was another Professor Trelawney.

"I want to thank you properly," Theo said, shifting a shoulder bag almost as weighty as Hermione's own. "Would you care to go to Hogsmeade with me sometime?"

Hermione hesitated. Her last date in Hogsmeade hadn't gone well, and an outing with Theo would only cause more talk. She wavered, considering putting him off. Then she saw Malfoy's tall form emerge from the dungeons and pause beside the House Hourglass cabinet.

"I'd love to go to Hogsmeade with you," Hermione said loudly. She leaned into Theo and kissed him on the cheek. "See you in Potions," she whispered with a wide smile. Before Theo could respond, she flounced into the Great Hall and sat at the Gryffindor table, her back to the Slytherins, flushed with her own recklessness. That's how much I want you, Malfoy.

Ginny showed up soon afterward, sitting opposite her. "Both Malfoy and Theo are staring, and Malfoy looks particularly dangerous," she said, keeping her voice low.

"And Blaise?" Hermione asked.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Yes, he's looking over here too. There must be something in the water. I met Blaise in the Astronomy Tower last night and he had this subtle vibe, like being kissed by him was this great honor .... I finally had enough and walked out."

"Subtle," Hermione said, gloomily stirring her porridge. "I'd kill for subtle."

"Well, I've had it with Slytherins," Ginny poured herself a goblet of pumpkin juice. "I can't wait until Saturday's match. We'll flatten them."

"We sure will," Ron said, sliding into the bench beside Hermione. "Hey Hermione, that ferret tried to sneak into Gryffindor Tower last night, but I sent him packing."

Ginny snorted, drawing a glare from Ron. He clenched his fists and turned around to look at the Slytherin table. "Keep your eyes to yourselves, you gits," he muttered, turning back.

"Hey, save it for the field, Ron," Ginny said.

Ron grinned. "They have no chance on Saturday. With those new Chasers of ours—"

He and Ginny launched into a detailed Quidditch discussion, squabbling about plays against the Slytherins. Bored, Hermione finished her porridge and pulled out her LOOP notebook, its open pages wrinkled and creased. She smoothed them with her wand, then fished out her pen. There had been no chance that morning to write Five Things to Look Forward To. Today's list would be easy: 1) Not looking at Malfoy. 2) Not speaking to Malfoy. 3) Not thinking of Malfoy ...

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