Halloween, Part I

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Dawn found Hermione at her desk, working on her LOOP. She stood to push heavy red curtains aside to let in the golden light, her gaze falling on the framed picture of herself and Ron waltzing at Bill and Fleur's wedding. Or trying to waltz—Ron was pumping her arm up and down and Hermione stumbled twice just in the photo's brief loop of movement. But Ron's wide smile ... It was perfect like that, she thought, sitting down again. That was us. Her thoughts turned to the sweep and euphoria of another waltz, with a different partner, also perfect. Also us. Hermione opened a drawer and extracted a newspaper clipping of a couple kissing over a sparkling dinner table, diamonds in her dark hair. Quite perfect. But was it really us?

Hermione replaced the clipping in the drawer and resumed scribbling. She was working up a whole new life plan, centered around four ranked priorities: 1) NEWTs, 2) the blood potion, 3) regular schoolwork and 4) learning to fly properly. The plan carefully did not include Draco Malfoy except for his role in No. 2. Theo was incorporated into No. 3 since work-life balance was vital to any sustainable organizational plan. Her half-formed plan for Astoria was also part of No. 3, listed under "hobbies."

Satisfied, she closed the notebook on the last page, a ten-part agenda for her first flying lesson. Then she tucked the notebook into the drawer with the clipping and left the desk to begin her day.

Theo was waiting when she stepped through the portrait hole. "Are you all right?" he asked. "I heard you had dinner in the infirmary."

"Yes and yes," Hermione said. Ginny had frogmarched her straight to the infirmary, where Hermione had to listen to all her own arguments against Quidditch. Madam Pomfrey was passionate about the dangers of reckless joyriding on brooms. "You should be studying for your NEWTs, Miss Granger," the matron said.

And now Theo was looking her up and down, frowning. "They're saying you lost control of your broom."

"Yes," Hermione said again. Only Ginny and Malfoy knew Astoria had hexed her broom, and Hermione wanted to keep it that way. Astoria was a menace in the air, she must be stopped, and now Ginny could be a target as well.

"I understand that Draco saved you," Theo continued.

Hermione nodded. "Yes, he was nearby."

"He usually is." Hermione blinked at the edge to Theo's voice. Then his face softened slightly and he wound a hand in her loose hair. "I'm just glad you're alright."

"I'm fine," she said. Theo's hand in her hair gently pulled her head back and then his lips were on hers, deepening the kiss, needing reassurance. The creak of the portrait hole opening broke them apart, and Parvati gave them an impish smile as she walked by.

Hermione mulled over Theo's words as they walked to breakfast. Obviously, Astoria had lost no time spreading her version of the incident, so it was important that Hermione appear calm and collected.

"Dean, I was holding on with both hands!" she was screeching five minutes later. She and Theo had arrived to find the Gryffindor table locked in a passionate debate over her fall. The Lundy twins were listing Hermione's likely blunders, including improper altitude, excessive speed and failure to account for wind direction. Chaser Demelza Robins scolded Hermione for not brushing the broom's straws before her flight. "An untidy broom is an unbalanced broom," Demelza said, and the whole table nodded in agreement.

"Her hand positions have always been terrible, too," Seamus put in. "I'm surprised this hasn't happened before."

Hermine viciously tore apart her scone. Splendid, the entire school now thought she'd almost died through sheer incompetence, only to be saved by Malfoy. She didn't know what was worse—the pitying glances from the other Gryffindors or Malfoy's face as eager Slytherins asked if he was still Seeker. She appreciated his discretion about Astoria, but he didn't have to look so smug.

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