Slug Club, Part I

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Yes, it's time for another Slug Club party, which starts out weird, then gets snarky, then gets a little creepy. Something for everyone!

Theo appeared at breakfast Saturday morning, urbane as always, full of apologies for leaving the Festival so abruptly. He still refused to say why he'd left, and Hermione, feeling the justice of his words the night before, didn't press. She asked him if he'd like to study with her (a major Potions exam was coming up), but Theo begged off, vaguely saying he was "helping teachers." He looked a bit surly about that, and Hermione wondered if he'd earned detentions again, perhaps by trying to sneak out of the castle. Again, she didn't press the issue.

Hermione did, however, stop by the owlry after breakfast to visit the bird who had delivered Theo's note. The poor owl still looked exhausted, drooping on its perch, but its feathers were cleaner and it snapped up the bits of bacon she'd saved from breakfast. "Hey, Brownie," she said, stroking its coffee-and-cream feathers. The owl hooted softly, seeming to like the name. It looked to be a young bird, its feathers still rather downy. "Be careful if you go back," she whispered, not knowing exactly what she meant, but still eager to help. "Find me if he tries to leave again." Brownie hooted in agreement.

The rest of the day was surprisingly productive, and Hermione showed up to the Slug Club that night in an excellent mood. She even endured Cormac's loud explanation of defense tactics to Slughorn's guest—a Keeper for the Holyhead Harpies—with rare patience but was quite relieved when Ginny dragged her off into a corner.

Ginny outshone the candles that night, Hermione thought, dressed in silver lace with her glowing hair piled on the top of her head. Those diamond ear drops looked new. If only Harry could see her so. A quick scan of the room revealed no Malfoy or Blaise.

"Alright, spill," Ginny said in greeting. "Which was it—Theo or Malfoy?"

"Honestly, Ginny, give a girl a chance to get a drink," Hermione said, raising a hand to smooth her own unbound hair. She'd barely had time to put on one of Ginny's wrap dresses, a green silk number that hung longer on Hermione, but still seemed too short. "What are you on about?"

Ginny's eyes were sparkling. "You're rosy, happy and relaxed, so obviously, something wonderful happened. Tell me."

Hermione sighed in contentment. "It was wonderful, and it's been too long."

"Was it planned, or in the heat of the moment?" Ginny asked wickedly.

"Planned, of course," Hermine said. She leaned against a tapestry and fiddled with a tassel, still smiling. "So much energy and excitement. I had this list of activities—"

Ginny's eyes bugged out. "You had a list? Of activities?"

"To stimulate creativity," Hermione said.

"Luna needs to hear about this."

Hermione plucked a glass of wine from a floating silver tray. "Luna was there."

"WHAT?" Ginny screeched. The entire dungeon turned and stared at her. Ginny flushed. "Hermione, I know I told you to talk to Luna, but Merlin—who—"

Hermione descended slightly from her cloud of euphoria, startled by Ginny's tone. "Well, Ernie was there, of course. He planned it."

"ERNIE!" Ginny screeched again. Everyone turned to look again, including Ernie across the dungeon, who also wore a big smile. He raised his goblet at Hermione.

"Are you seriously standing here and telling me ..." Ginny said in shocked tones, "... that Ernie Macmillan saw you naked?"

"No, he just saw my bra," Hermione said, frowning. "How did you know about that?"

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