Research & Development

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WARNING: This chapter gets a little icky in spots, just in case you're snacking or something.

Captain: Lavinia Clarke
Keeper: Astoria Greengrass (Slytherin)
Seeker: Ginevra Weasley (Gryffindor)

Captain: Madam Hooch
Keeper: Demelza Robins (Gryffindor)
Seeker: Draco Malfoy (Slytherin)

Hermione had a whole script prepared to encourage Harry to attend Lavinia Clarke's team practices in Holyhead, but it proved unnecessary. The Harpy had arranged a daily portkey to her team's practice pitch, and there was no way Harry was missing that kind of outing. He would come along to provide security, Harry announced, and Hermione was satisfied. Draco's new teammate Demelza Robins was also attending "to ensure a fair practice environment" but everyone knew she was just scouting Clarke's team.

It was a good thing exams had been held the previous week, Hermione thought, because all learning came to a grinding halt in the mania surrounding the official Dumbledore Inter-House Quidditch Match. Both teams practiced every night, with most of the school watching Madam Hooch's team on the Hogwarts pitch. Seventh and Eighth Years who had mastered Apparation were sneaking off to the Harpies' pitch and the teachers just looked the other way. Ernie and his prefects were still searching for an announcer and arguing over what to call the teams.

George and Ron were making a fortune by owl post, delivering commemorative snitches as well as illegal portkeys to Holyhead. Ron's tiny owl, Pig, turned up in Hermione's room with a contrite apology letter and a request to visit her once Molly let Ron out of the house and joke shop. Hermione did not respond; if she had her way, Molly would ground him for life.

The library was deserted Monday after dinner, with practically the entire populace off watching Quidditch. Hermione took advantage of the silence to research her next experimental potion: a solution to heal cursed scars. Her "MUDBLOOD" letters still itched in warm weather and showed no signs of fading. If she could find a way to heal them, perhaps the solution could help other war veterans like Lavender and Bill Weasley, whose wounds troubled them much more. Theo's question in DADA about cursed jewelry had given her an idea; most healing solutions tried to remove the curse from the patient's body. Hermione wondered if a solution to counteract the curse might be more effective. Vasile might have insights, often curses interacted with the victim's blood, rendering the scars ...

"Hermione? May I join you?"

Hermione leaned back in her chair. Theo stood by her library table, books in hand, once again the smooth, collected presence from the Gryffindor party. She was glad he was safe in the castle and not screaming his head off in some Death Eater hideout, but that didn't mean they were study pals again.

She continued to look at him, holding the moment, and Theo's easy smile wavered slightly. Then she sighed. It was no use; the scene in the Muggle Hunting Shack was her and Theo's Troll in the Bathroom Moment. You don't go through some things together without becoming friends again.

"Yes, Theo," she said with a small smile. "You can join me."

Theo shook his head. "It's alright. I can find a table over ..."

"Sit down, Theo," Hermione ordered, and was amused to see him immediately obey.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable," he said.

"I'm not uncomfortable," she said, and suddenly she wasn't. Theo looked a little nervous, and the crack in his Slytherin veneer reassured her. "It's good to see somebody still cares about their education."

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