Badger Power

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Well! That last chapter was quite the scene, wasn't it? I had the hardest time picking a quote to be the chapter title. I confess to a great fondness for Ron's petulant "How come Malfoy gets to be the sun?"

The chapter was a bit unfair to poor Ron, of course, but so fun to write, that old trope of trapping four strong-minded characters in a tiny room. In my first draft, I just left him hanging out there, with a feeble written apology, but he deserves better than that, so you'll see Ron again.

Meanwhile, onward. The Squeaky Mice return in full force, and yes, there's a duel. There are a lot of duels in this story, aren't there? I actually added a tag for it. Anyway, enjoy, and have a great weekend!


Hermione expected Ginny to immediately launch into a description of her weekend with Blaise, but her roommate was silent as they left Hogsmeade's main street and began walking the path toward Hogwarts.

She was happy enough not to talk; it gave Hermione ample time to scold herself for handling Ron in such a ham-handed fashion (not that there was any excuse for the whole kidnapping-and-Death-Eater-whore thing). Ron's goal, she was sure, wasn't to trap her with him, with all the dark designs he'd ascribed to Draco. Rather, he just wanted to keep her safe.

Hermione sighed as she followed Ginny along on the cold, windswept road. Draco was right—she had no subtlety. She'd spent more time thinking about Harry's feelings than she had about Ron's. Ron was the one who needed the special breakfast and witnesses and reference letters. He was the one who saw the first woman he'd loved move on to the man he most hated. Ron had deserved to be treated with more care.

Still, that didn't justify trapping her at the Burrow like a princess in a tower. Hermione shuddered at the specter of Draco turning up at the Weasleys' at his most autocratic, demanding her instant release. After insulting everybody, and throwing curses, he would have probably searched the house and broken into Ron's bedroom—Merlin, Ron's bedroom, and—

"Look, Hermione," Ginny said, slowing down. "The match is over." She pushed back the hood of her green velvet cloak.

"Already?" They were in front of the castle now, and students were swarming off the pitch, too far away to see House colors. Many were shrieking with happiness, excitedly hopping around the grounds with a complete lack of dignity. Most unusual for Slytherins.

"Malfoy must have caught the Snitch already," Ginny said.

"I'm not so sure," Hermione said. A pack of tiny First Years was barreling toward them, black-and-yellow scarves flapping wildly. The boy in front was Percival, holding a large Badger banner. Hermione gasped: All the Squeaky Mice had bright yellow hands and faces, except a girl in the back, who was green.

"Miss Granger!"

"It's Miss Granger!"

"Miss Granger, you missed it!"

"You should have seen it!"

"What happened?" Hermione asked. She couldn't help but smile at the Squeaky Mice, who broke off from the rest of the pack to talk to her. They were all so thrilled, their chubby faces flushed. Leila was with them in her green-and-silver scarf, rolling her eyes.

"He caught it!"

"Caught it in the first five minutes!"

"It was a great catch!" Percival said, stopping to push his banner's pole into the grass. "He ... he ... just snatched it right up!"

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