Let's Do Lunch

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It had become a distressingly familiar dream for her, ever since he first leaned close in the library, whispering "I'll kiss you if you tell me, Granger." That alluring scent of warm sunshine and cologne, the fresh, light smell of his hair. As their interactions continued, the dream added the silky feel of said hair, and the smoothness of warm skin interposed with rough stubble along his sharp jaw. Soon the dream added the feel of his hand on her waist, his lips on her throat ...

Now the dream was back, more vivid than ever, and she could feel softness brushing her cheeks and lips and it was so real she actually opened her eyes and turned her head ...

And he was there. Really, truly there, beside her in the semi-darkness lit only by glowing blue runes on the walls. She lay on her back on the soft carpet and he on his side, looking down at her, and his eyes shone blue like a cat's. He was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, and she raised a hand to stroke his cheek and confirm he was really there.

It was his lips on hers that finally convinced her this was no dream. She had found him; Draco couldn't hide from her after all, and they were in the Room of Requirement.

This was the first time she'd woken up with anyone, unless you counted the months in the tent during the war, which Hermione certainly did not. Her fingers ran down his back, his hands ran up her thighs. They both felt a little frisky, open to a little exploring, and it was a long time before either of them had anything to say.

Finally, Draco pulled himself away, sitting up with his back against the wall again. "We should go to Diagon Alley today," he said casually, as if they were chatting outside Ancient Runes.

"Knockturn Alley, too?" she said hopefully, scooting over to join him.

He sighed and put an arm around her. "If we must."

Hermione's face lit up. "We can meet Vasile there!"

"By all means, let us meet the vampire on our day out together."

"And we can test the blood potion in the morning before we go. It should be finished today." Hermione inched away to face him, excited by the prospect. "Just think of it, Draco. After we figure out the 'Die Mudblood' letters ..." Draco rolled his eyes, "... we can consider our next project, perhaps a screaming ..."

Draco rubbed a hand over his chin. "Yes, yes, we will certainly discuss experimental potions ad nauseam, but not right now." He yawned. "Not before my morning tea and pastries." He looked around expectantly. "Not before my tea," he repeated significantly, then sighed. "Of course, the Room."

"It's nearly eight o'clock," Hermione said, who had located her watch and was scrabbling about for her halter. Draco gave another regretful sigh and gracefully rose to his feet, pulling on his trousers.

With the help of a full-length mirror the Room provided and some smoothing and tailoring spells, Hermione thought they both looked quite respectable in a short amount of time. "If we hurry, we can still make breakfast," she said.

"You must be joking," Draco said. "I could never appear in the Great Hall in this condition."

"You look fine," Hermione said.

Draco sniffed. "Malfoys do not look fine. The rumpled I-slept-the-bloody-floor look may pass muster at the Gryffindor table, but some Houses have standards." He fussed for a moment with his left shirt cuff, glared at it, then gave it up as a bad job. "I will see you at the Potions Lab."

"You are definitely not a morning person," Hermione observed, amused.

"Eleven o'clock." Draco stepped up to her, and his warm kiss belied his snooty tone. "Don't be late this time." He ran his knuckles along her cheek and left the room, obviously anxious to get to the dungeons before anyone saw him in such a state.

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