NOT A CHAPTER: Gloriana Quiz Answers!

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Hello, Astute Readers! Today I present the answers to the fun and educational Gloriana Set Quiz. Keep in mind that these are not definitive answers; it's a complicated story, and as with Hermione's Ancient Runes essay, I may get some shades of meaning wrong. Feel free to correct me! I encourage it! Rebel against authority!

For each, I've included the chapter where the answer appeared as well. Hermione loves annotations. I have to say, this quiz clearly demonstrates that this is a very strange story.



How did the Squeaky Mice get their name?

Draco named them, actually. He interrupted the kids' first detention with Hermione to apologize for coming on to her so aggressively in the Charms classroom. The kids had stolen Slughorn's "squeaky flowers" and their squeaky mouse voices maddened Hagrid's dog, who fell on a thestral and smashed a carriage. Later in the Potions Lab, Draco referred to the kids as the "Squeaky Mouse Club" and the name stuck. (15, 18, )

Name one thing Draco loves about Ron

This is from Draco's scroll in the first DADA class. He loves:

- How Ron finds even the shockingly low standards expected of him impossible to attain.

- How Weasley thinks with every part of his body except his brain.

- How Weasley becomes enraged when he doesn't understand something, which means he is enraged nearly all the time.

(5, )

In Hermione's personal Ptomaleic system, who's the sun, who's a planet and who's Ptomely?

Draco is the sun, Hermione is a planet. Ron is Ptomely. One could argue that Ron is the Earth as well since Ron thinks Hermione should revolve around him. (55, )

When Hermione and Draco try to say "hourglass," what do they say instead? (Extra credit: When Hermione tries to say Draco was lying, what does she say instead?)

hourglass = bugbear (50, )

lying = baking (61, )

How does George Weasley taunt Draco?

Indirectly, he does so by flirting with Hermione. Directly, he makes a suggestive comment about Narcissa. (62, )

Why did Vasile leave Romania?

Romania expelled the vampire because he was too extroverted, with a tendency to talk to people. (37, )

Name one action that earned the Squeaky Mice detention (besides the first one).

What didn't they do? Their detention-earning antics include:

throwing crumpets into the lake, trying to draw out the Giant Squid (45, )enchanting Slughorn's flask to follow him around and occasionally pour the liquid on his head (49, ")trying to break into the Potions Lab (51, )calling Snape a bat (59, )

And those are just the ones we know about! And the times they were actually caught!

Why did the Slytherin Beaters attack Draco during a Quidditch match?

Because Draco bullied them in past years, calling them Bum and Prat. (24, )

Why did Lavender lie about sleeping with Draco?

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