Truth and Consequences

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Hermione and Theo stared at the Head Boy. "Arresting Draco Malfoy?" Hermione repeated. "Arresting him?"

"For what?" Theo wanted to know.

Ernie shrugged. For such a busybody eager to organize things, he had a distinct lack of curiosity about anything that mattered. "They didn't say, but it's high time they did something about the Death Eater."

Hermione ignored this, leaving Theo without a word and running up to McGonagall's second-floor office, Ernie trailed behind, panting. Her mind whirled. Aurors at Hogwarts? Arresting Malfoy? How was that possible? Where was the proof? Malfoy may be considered an adult in the wizarding world, but his status as a Hogwarts student preempted that. Aurors could not simply dance in and arrest a student without ...

"Powdered Porcupine," Ernie gasped at the gargoyle. The Head Boy stayed below and Hermione climbed the spiraling stairs more slowly, attempting to take calming breaths.

The large, circular office looked much the same as it had after the Battle of Hogwarts, with the Pensieve and the Sorting Hat, with the addition of new portraits of Dumbledore and Snape. Two wizards in auror robes stood before McGonagall's massive claw-footed desk, their backs to Hermione.

"Am I to understand," Hermione asked, her voice like ice, "that an arrest is taking place here?"

The aurors turned around and one of them was Harry, looking older and yet exactly the same, his black hair still tousled and round glasses balanced precariously on his nose. He rushed forward to pull her into a hug.

"Harry!" she squeaked. Hermione dropped her bag and hugged him back hard, her eyes filling with tears, she'd missed him so much. "Look at you! So handsome!" She stepped back, running her hands over his dark auror robes with the Ministry of Magic crest. Her eyes found his face again, and he gave her a significant look.

"Hermione ..." he said, tilting his head toward the other auror and McGonagall.

Oh, of course, official business. She blushed and turned to look at Malfoy, who stood between two striped armchairs. What's with the scowl? Merlin, Malfoy looks like he writes blood-soaked messages on walls every day and twice on Tuesdays.

So Hermione looked at McGonagall instead. "Headmistress, Malfoy is a student here and you simply can't allow him to be taken from Hogwarts without proof—"

"Nobody is taking anyone, Miss Granger," McGonagall said. "Head Auror Shacklebolt ..." Kingsley Shacklebolt smiled at Hermione, "... and Assistant Auror Potter are here to administer Veritaserum to Mr. Malfoy."

Hermione's jaw dropped. "What? You can't force—"

"It was Mr. Malfoy's idea," the Headmistress said. "Mr. Malfoy contacted me this morning, volunteering to be questioned under Veritaserum—on the condition that you, Miss Granger, are present for the entire interview."

"What do you say, Granger?" Malfoy asked, gracefully dropping into one of the armchairs. His scowl had disappeared and he now appeared utterly relaxed.

Hermione didn't answer, just stared down at him, horrified. The Ministry's Auror Office had been most displeased with Malfoy's sentence, considering it entirely too lenient. Kingsley himself had been quoted in the Prophet saying that all former Death Eaters should be given the Dementor's Kiss. Ministry barristers continued to appeal the Wizengamot's verdict and sentence. And Malfoy had surrendered himself to aurors? For interrogation under Veritaserum?

"What is the procedure?" Hermione asked Kingsley, finding her voice.

Kingsley produced a small bottle from his robes. "Quite simple, Hermione," he said, smiling. "Mr. Malfoy will drink this Veritaserum and answer a few questions."

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