Slug Club, Part II

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Well, obviously I've gone mad, because we're more than 120,000 words into this thing, and I'm still introducing new characters, romances and subplots, not to mention new jewelry. And I haven't tied up much of ANYTHING, except we know who attacked Draco during the Quidditch match and we've learned about the Gloriana Set.

We'll have to begin our descent eventually, but meanwhile here's the rest of the Slug Club party, where Draco starts "throwing toys out of the pram" (as one reader put it) and Neville learns to share.

Malfoy shifted smoothly to stand between Hermione and Vasile, pinning the vampire against the wall. The Slytherin's eyes shone in the candlelight like a cat's. Vasile cringed.

"That's enough, Draco," Hermione said calmly. "We were just talking. Vasile has been perfectly respectful."

"Well, perhaps he could be respectful from a further distance," Malfoy said, now employing a polite tone that was somehow worse. The vampire began to tremble.

"Draco, you're scaring him."

"Really," Malfoy said softly. "Vasile, is it? You know my family, I presume. Be aware that I hold this witch's life infinitely higher than my own."

Vasile's shaking intensified. The vampire was directly under a candelabra now, its light falling on his long dark hair, his paper-white skin even paler than Malfoy's. It was Malfoy who stood in the shadows, eyes still shining with reflected light.

"Draco, this isn't necessary and Slughorn won't like you terrifying his guest."

"I don't care what Slughorn likes or doesn't like." Malfoy didn't take his eyes off Vasile. "I care that this vampire understands the consequences if he touches you in any way."

Hermione huffed in frustration. "Stop making a fool of yourself. His name is Vasile Montesque and he is a friend of Kingsley, who is sponsoring his stay in this country." She turned to the vampire with a smile. "Vasile, it was a pleasure to meet you. It might be best if you went back to Slughorn now."

"As you wish, prinţesă." Vasile bowed and slipped noiselessly across the floor, headed directly for Slughorn.

Hermione turned back to Malfoy, who had stepped out of the shadows and looked ready to explode.

"Prinţesă?" he hissed.

"Princess. It's a bit of a nickname," she admitted.

"A nickname." Malfoy closed his eyes for a few seconds, obviously trying to calm himself. Then he opened them again and Hermione wasn't sure he had succeeded. His eyes were like grey glass on the verge of shattering. "I cannot leave you alone for a moment," he hissed. "I arrive a little late to one party, and you're in the shadows with a vampire?"

Hermione looked out at the room. "Vasile could be quite useful." The vampire was huddled close to Slughorn now, who looked a bit nervous. "You know," she continued, her gaze returning to Malfoy, "I've seen advertisements in the Prophet for the Society for the Tolerance of Vampires. They coordinate human blood donations for ..."

"You must be joking," Malfoy snarled. "You are not giving blood to some sodding SPEW for vampires!"

"I think you're completely overreacting—"

"Oh really, Hermione? You do?" His voice hardened. "Well, let me tell you, when the Dar—Voldemort—was in my home, I saw a few vampires. I saw what they did to people. To muggles. To women. So, forgive me if I don't agree. I don't believe I am overreacting when you suddenly adopt pet vampires who give you nicknames. He knows the smell of your blood now and he won't forget, he'll imagine the taste—"

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