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As we move deeper into this sprawling story, I feel like I'm hacking through a jungle, trying to find a path out the other side.

This chapter needs very little introduction—pure Dramione. And a new original character! Because why not, let's meet someone new in chapter 53.

WARNING: There is discussion of an attempted sexual assault in this chapter.



"Hello, Hermione."

Silence followed Draco's two icy words. Hermione placed her toiletries bag on a small table and walked toward the man on the sofa, stopping a few feet away. She looked down at him, her hands thrust deep into the robe's pockets. Only the crackling of the fire and rattling of the windows could be heard.

The blond Slytherin appeared nothing but calm, placing his book on the cushion beside him and leaning back. But his eyes were pale, chipped slate, and a dot of color glowed on each cheek. His posture looked relaxed, but he was utterly still. This was bad.

Hermione felt like she was back in the Charms classroom, without magic, with Draco stalking her. She dared not show any weakness. Her muscles ached, the multiple scrapes and bruises on her body hurt, and she was so very tired. He deserved an explanation and she was happy to give it, but would any explanation be enough?

Still, she refused to stand before him like a disobedient child. She spotted a pot of tea on a table—still hot—so Hermione poured herself a cup. Draco must have prepared it for her; he himself was drinking sirenscotch.

She moved to the other end of the sofa and placed the book (Donalson's new tome on the Elder Fubarks) on an end table. Then she sat, folding her legs beneath her, the pink, fluffy robe covering her from the neck down. She took a large gulp of tea, feeling the hot liquid course through her veins.

"When you didn't appear at the Potions dungeons, I returned to my dorm to clean up," Draco said, looking straight ahead, his aristocratic voice without emotion. "There I received an interesting report from a housemate. About you ... entangled, I believe was the word ... with Theodore Nott on the fourth floor."

"It was true," she said.

"Might I ask why?" His tone was all cold politeness.

"Regis Nott wanted to defect from the Death Eaters, and Theo was on his way to help. I was ... convincing Theo to let me go too."

"Convincing him."

"I took his wand and he shoved me against the wall." Hermione was determined to be completely truthful. "So I knocked him down and threatened him until he swore an oath on his ring to take me along."

Draco was silent, and Hermione gulped some more tea, ignoring the burning as it ran down her throat. The moment held, then stretched unbearably. Hermione couldn't breathe.

"It is a testament to your behavior this year that I find that explanation entirely credible," Draco said.

Hermione exhaled slowly, torn between relief and indignation.

"I can't imagine how that Seventh Year could have so misjudged the situation," he continued, still looking straight ahead. "What appeared to be you and Theo sharing a passionate embrace was obviously you bullying him into taking you into mortal peril."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Would you like to hear what happened?"

"I insist."

"Theo and I used the Honeyduke's passage to get to Hogsmeade, and then Apparated to Wales."

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