"I'm a Damn Planet, Ronald"

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Another Warning: There is some harsh language and a glancing mention of an attempted sexual assault.

"I can't believe it!" Ron shouted. "That was brilliant!"

They landed in an open field about a mile from the Burrow, about five feet apart, and Hermione was so excited she almost fell down getting off her broom. Ron steadied her.

"Did you see that?" she squealed. "Did you see me?"

"I saw you!" Ron's freckled face looked ready to split open, he was smiling so widely. "A triple-loop!" He dropped his broom and grabbed her, spinning her around.

Hermione hugged him, then pushed at his chest gently, a silent signal to put her down. He took her hand, but she was too excited to notice. "A triple-loop!" she breathed. She'd been trying for a double-loop but had so much momentum, she completed a third loop by accident.

"You, Ron, are an excellent teacher," she said. "Who knew?"

"You would've known, if you'd let me teach you sooner," he said, his smile dimming a little.

"That's right," Hermione said seriously. She squinted up at him in the sun. "It was wrong of me. I guess I didn't like not knowing something." She sighed. "I am a know-it-all."

"A cute know-it-all," he said, lifting a hand to her hair. She veered away like a nervous colt and nearly fell down again. An hour of flying lessons hadn't made her any more graceful.

Ron looked a little affronted now, and she sighed. It was time. "Come on," she said, pulling at his hand. "I brought a picnic."

Hermione summoned a carpet, a tablecloth and a basket of sandwiches from the Leaky Cauldron from her beaded bag. She was still stuffed from that enormous breakfast at Harry's, but Ron could be counted on to clear the basket. They wrapped themselves in heavy cloaks against the November air and Hermione set out a few jars of blue fire for warmth.

Ron fell to the sandwiches like a starving man, giving Hermione plenty of time to twist up her windblown curls and fasten them again with Draco's clip. Then she just sat and sipped her butterbeer and tried not to fidget.

"Mi," Ron said finally. "What is it?"

She sighed. If Ron had noticed her agitation, she must be a nervous wreck. "I have something to tell you. Something you won't like."

He shoved the final sandwich into his mouth and nodded. "Kay."

"I'm seeing Draco Malfoy." There, she'd said it. She set down her butterbeer and clasped her hands on her lap to keep from wringing them.

Ron spit out chunks of leftover sandwich. "WHAT?"

"We are dating. Seriously." She couldn't believe how hard this was. "I ... I like him."

He drew a sleeve over his mouth, staring at her. "I thought you were dating Nott."

"Theo and I are through, and I'm dating Draco now." With Ron, it was always best to repeat things clearly, especially things he didn't like.

"You mean ..." Ron shuddered inside his heavy, dark blue cloak. A thread on the shoulder was frayed, Hermione's crazed mind noticed. Molly would pounce on that in an instant ...

"You mean," Ron repeated, "like romantically?"

Yes, Ronald, that's what dating means. No, she needed to be patient. She'd never been upfront with Ron about Draco, and now she was paying the price. Ron hadn't been at Slughorn's parties or really anywhere with the two of them except Potions and DADA. From his point of view, Draco was an oily presence who leered at Hermione and made her uncomfortable. The two men had always brought out the worst in each other.

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