Dodging and Weaving

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Breakfast Monday morning began with a dramatic announcement. McGonagall rose from her throne-like chair in the Great Hall and the assembled students immediately quieted. Hermione looked across the table at Ginny, who nodded.

"I have an important announcement regarding one of our most valued students," the Headmistress said. "Ronald Weasley has elected to leave Hogwarts and accept a partnership with his brother George at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. I have absolutely no doubt that both Mr. Weasleys will continue to find great success with their business."

Murmurs rippled through the mass of students, and a good number of them looked at Hermione and Ginny, who both smiled and nodded.

"I cannot emphasize enough the debt this school owes to Mr. Weasley personally. He has been a brave and loyal addition to Hogwarts, and worthy of our respect. He regrets he was unable to say goodbye to you all personally but felt his family needs him after the events earlier this year." She lifted her goblet. "I would like us all assembled to toast Mr. Ronald Weasley."

Hermione stood up immediately, and the entire Gryffindor table followed, as well as the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. Ginny gave Blaise a significant look and he rose with Theo, bringing the Slytherin table along. Even Malfoy stood with a glance at Hermione.

She felt a bit teary after they sat down again, but the memory of Ron so cheerful and relaxed at Diagon Alley the day before was a comfort. She took out her quill to update the day's study schedule and it suddenly quivered in her hand. Oh no ...

"Feeeeelings ... nothing more than feeelings ..." the quill sang.

Ginny whipped around in her seat. "Is that ..."

"Trying to forgeeeeet my feelings of loooove ..."

The rest of the table looked at Hermione nervously, but she just smiled down at the crooning quill. Oh yes, definitely the right choice.


For the first time in her life, Hermione seriously considered skiving off a class. Anything was better than sitting at a Potions table with Malfoy and Lavender. But then she thought how disappointed her parents would be if they knew she'd compromised her education just because her roommate shagged a former Death Eater that Hermione had blackmailed, hexed and kissed. She could just hear her mother: "Now, honey, those bits about shattered windows and bloodsoaked jewelry sound like excuses to me. One mustn't fear success."

So she marched into Potions, head held high, to find Malfoy setting up their cauldron without an ounce of shame. Disgusting. She gave her Potions partner the cold look he deserved and took her seat. Lavender arrived and looked nervously at Malfoy, who regarded her with his usual bored indifference. Hermione glared at them both as she ground an Erumpent horn to dust. Sickening. Absolutely sickening. The angrier Hermione became, the smugger Lavender's expression grew, and by the end of the class she was cooing at Malfoy as usual. Malfoy gave Hermione an occasional sharp look, but if he had any thoughts, he wisely kept them to himself.

The entire week after Ron's departure was marked by a steady, pouring rain that seemed to oppress the entire castle. Malfoy especially was a dark, brooding presence, which irritated Hermione to no end. What in Godric's name did he have to brood about? He was living the pureblood dream over there in Slytherin, with his pureblood betrothed and his pureblood mistress. All he needed was a cane and one of those aristocratic hounds.

She turned to her schoolwork for distraction, and Theo proved diverting as well. The Slytherin was quite good at luring her into alcoves for a bit of snogging, but Hermione never let things progress very far until Friday afternoon after classes.

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