Socks and Books

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Hermione unfolded the Marauders' Map with trembling hands. The minute Harry and Kingsley had left the Great Hall with Narcissa, she had raced up to the Room of Requirement. But it had been empty, no Draco standing there, arms outstretched. Now Hermione was in her bedroom, praying that his dot would appear on the parchment.

It didn't, of course, and so there was only one thing to do. Hermione changed into jeans and a jumper, then packed her beaded bag and slung a heavy cloak over her shoulder. She was closing her bedroom door when she heard a familiar voice: "Miss Granger."

Hermione turned. Snape was in the apothecary painting, standing before the shop. "Where are you going?" the small, painted Headmaster demanded.

"I have to find Draco, sir," Hermione said. "Aurors just arrested Narcissa for casting the spell that wrote the blood messages."

"I find that difficult to believe," Snape said.

"Believe it," Hermione said bitterly. "She cast a spell on the castle to protect Draco, using Lucius' blood." Her mouth twisted. "It was Lucius' hatred that manifested the words 'Die Mudbloods.'"

Snape's eyebrows drew down. "Where is Draco?"

"I don't know. He's left the castle. If he doesn't return for Monday classes, he'll violate his probation. The Wizengamot could send him back to Azkaban."

The former Headmaster stepped closer to the gilt-edged frame, filling the canvas. "Where will you go?"

"I'm not sure," Hermione admitted. She hadn't really thought it through. "He can't go to the Manor—aurors are likely swarming all over it, looking for evidence. The only other ..." she trailed off, eyes wide.

"What?" Snape demanded.

"I know where he is," Hermione said. She turned and burst through her bedroom door again, slamming it behind her. Stripping off her cloak, she took a deep breath; this had to work. She touched the Gloriana clip in her curls.

"Aimee!" she called. "Aimee!"

A loud crack sounded and the little elf appeared, her dark eyes even wider than usual. She wore a white pillowcase edged with seed pearls. "La-la maîtresse!" Aimee squeaked, and rattled off a string of French too fast for Hermione to understand, except the word "Draco."

"Aimee," Hermione said gently. "S'il vous plait. Please stop."

Aimee shut her mouth with a snap and looked at Hermione with imploring eyes.

"Thank you for answering my call," Hermione said. That Aimee still regarded her as mistress was encouraging, although ordering a house elf still made her skin crawl. "I'm looking for Draco."


"Yes," Hermione said, managing a smile. "Draco Malfoy. Tall. Blond. Very annoying."

Aimee giggled nervously, her large ears flapping under her lacey bow.

"Draco left school today, but it's very important he returns. He made a promise to the Ministry, Aimee."

"Oui, la maîtresse Hermione," Aimee whispered, eyes on the floor.

"He's at the Chateau, isn't he, Aimee?" The elf began to tremble. "I won't ask you to betray him, or take me to him." Aimee relaxed slightly.

"I'm going to give you a message ... in the event that you possibly might see him ..." Hermione waved her hand, "... someday."

Aimee nodded, looking nervous.

Hermione eyed the little elf. She'd considered sending Draco an owl or Patronus, but the Ministry could be watching for owls, and a Patronus felt too ... forceful. She had to go about this carefully.

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