NOT A CHAPTER: Gloriana Set Quiz

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Yes, you read that right — no chapter today. Instead, in honor of our favorite swot and all you wonderful readers who reread this story, I present The Gloriana Set Quiz. There are 25 questions, with a few chances for extra credit.

To explain further, I've written up an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).



Is this an open-book quiz?
If you like, although it might be fun to try to do it from memory first.

After I have my answers, then what?
Well, it's up to you. You could post your answers in the comments section and maybe get tips from other readers. Or you could squabble with other readers about the answers, Hermione/Draco style.

When will you post the answers?
I'll make another non-chapter post soon.

What would Hermione think of the quiz?
She would consider it too easy and rewrite all the questions.

What would Draco think of the quiz?
He would consider it a sad waste of time better spent rereading his best scenes.

I wanna know what Theo's getting arrested for! Are you just shirking here?



Once I've posted the answers, you can add up your points. 1 point for each correct answer, with a half-point for extra-credit questions. (Except the last, which earns you a full point.) Once you total your points you can score as follows:

20+ Hermione
15-19 Draco
10-14 Ginny
5-9 Seamus
1-5 Lavender
0 Goyle


Have fun!



1. How did the Squeaky Mice get their name?

2. Name one thing Draco loves about Ron.

3. In Hermione's personal Ptolemaic system, who's the sun, who's a planet and who's Ptolemy?

4. When Hermione and Draco try to say "hourglass" after visiting the Confidential Cafe, what do they say instead? (Extra credit: When Hermione tries to say Draco was lying about Lavender and Theo, what does she say instead?)

5. How does George Weasley taunt Draco?

6. Why did Vasile leave Romania?

7. Name one action that earned the Squeaky Mice detention (besides the first one).

8. Why did the Slytherin Beaters attack Draco during a Quidditch match?

9. Why did Lavender lie about sleeping with Draco?

10. What wizard did Draco quote in his letter to his father?

11. When did Hermione first clearly realize she was attracted to Draco?

12. What kind of flowers did Pansy ask Neville about during the Halloween Festival? (Extra credit: what did the flowers mean?)

13. Speaking of the Halloween Festival, what was Ginny's costume?

14. How did Theo escape involvement in the war?

15. When did Draco first feel something between himself and Hermione?

16. What excuse did Leila give Ernie for why Hermione and the Squeaky Mice were spreading food on the grounds?

17. What did Ron give Hermione for her birthday?

18. Where was Hermione and Draco's first kiss?

19. Why did Hermione have to go to London to get the baby Hydras?

20. How did Draco discover the Room of Requirement?

21. Once Hermione received the Gloriana Set, what two things had to happen to bind her and Draco to the jewels?

22. How does Hermione always describe Theo's cologne? (Extra credit: What part of Theo's body always distracts Hermione when she sees it?)

23. What phrase does Draco say in Potions that makes it clear he wants a relationship?

24. What does PORN stand for?

25. What tool does one need to dig up Virgin Earth?

EXTRA CREDIT (1 point): Name one way "The Gloriana Set" deviates from canon.

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