The Committee on Magical Messages

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And now we return to our story ...

The walk to McGonagall's office was quick, and mostly silent. Students were beginning to move about the corridors and stared wide-eyed at the group of aurors flanking Hermione, Draco and Theo, led by the Headmistress. Harry edged up to Hermione and tried to ask her about the scene in the Slytherin common room, but backed off under McGonagall's glare.

Draco, walking beside Hermione, brushed her hand with his. "This isn't how I'd imagined our morning," he whispered.

Hermione had to agree. This hadn't been her plan either; she'd hoped for a little more time before sneaking back to Gryffindor Tower, time for maybe another ... she felt her cheeks heat. It was tremendously embarrassing, being caught in the Slytherin dungeons with Draco before 7 a.m. by Harry, Kingsley, McGonagall and two aurors. Not to mention Blaise. And Theo. Merlin, why not bring in Ernie, Astoria and Justin Finch-Fletchley. Hermione glared at Kingsley's back—this was all his fault.

Upon reaching the Headmistress' office, McGonagall lost no time packing Drebin and Croft off by Floo powder, leaving the usual Magic Blood Message Committee and its Special Guest Star. Theo made a small production of escorting Hermione to a striped armchair and taking the other one. McGonagall seated herself behind her desk and the other three wizards stood around and looked annoyed.

Kingsley pulled out what appeared to be his own copy of Theo's arrest warrant. "First of all, Mr. Nott—"

"Lord Nott," Theo reminded him. He might be dressed in student robes, but he obviously had no intention of playing the role of McGonagall's ward, no matter what Hermione advised. His left hand lay prominently on his chair arm, displaying his signet ring.

"The Ministry has evidence of your involvement in the threatening messages at Hogwarts, Lord Nott," Kingsley said. He pulled out another scroll. "Azkaban documents logged a visit by you to Lucius Malfoy on Thursday, Sept. 6—two days before your return to Hogwarts." He handed the scroll to Theo. "Is that not your signature, Lord Nott?"

Theo unrolled the parchment, and Hermione craned her neck to see a column of magically shrouded signatures except for the single scribbled name of Theodore Nott. She looked at Theo, whose face was impassive, but she said nothing. Theo wasn't Draco; he wouldn't appreciate her interference. She thought back to their dinner in Hogsmeade; obviously Theo had been less than candid when telling the story of his arrival in Britain.

"I haven't agreed to any interrogation or seen any evidence linking me to the messages," Theo said. "Perhaps if you would like to submit your questions in writing, I can respond when I have the time."

Hermione almost groaned. Theo was playing the arrogant entitlement card again.

"Mr. Nott," McGonagall said, with a slight emphasis on the lack of title, "I ask you to conduct yourself as a respectful member of the Hogwarts community."

"Theo," Hermione said. She had to convince the man to stand down. "This is serious. The Ministry has evidence linking Lucius to the 'Die Mudblood' messages." Everyone winced.

"What kind of evidence?" Theo asked.

"Hermione, you can't—" Kingsley began.

"Do you want his cooperation?" she asked the Head Auror. "Then you'll have to tell him what's going on."

"He's hoping if I'm kept in the dark, I'll incriminate myself," Theo said calmly.

"What if he agreed to take Veritaserum?" Hermione asked. "Same process as with Draco."

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