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"I thought you'd chickened out," Neville said when Hermione finally appeared in the Gryffindor common room. It was well after ten o'clock now, and her friend looked hungry and a little surly. "I'm doing this as a favor, you know."

"I do know, and thank you for coming with me," Hermione said, kissing his cheek. She should've brought him a croissant.

"You look ... happy," he said after they'd stepped out of the portrait hole and were walking toward the humpbacked witch's statue on the fourth-floor corridor. "All smiling and relaxed and rosy and ..." He stopped and made a face. "Eewww. Don't tell me."

"Never mind that," she said, tugging on Neville's cloak until he began walking again. "I want to tell you what happened yesterday." She began the tale about her and Theo's encounter with the Death Eaters (for the fourth time now, Merlin help her). Hermione kept talking as they entered the passage and walked toward Hogsmeade, Neville listening silently until she came to Macnair pushing her down on the bed.

"What?" he cried, grabbing her hands. "Are you all right?" He released a hand to tilt up her face so he could see her eyes.

"Don't touch my hair!" she cried. She had the entire Gloriana set tucked into her braid this morning.

Neville backed off, looking horrified. "Hermione," he choked. "If you need to see someone—"

"No, no," she said. "I'm okay, really. It's this hair clip." She pulled it out and showed it to him. "Come on, we're late."

Hermione explained the clip's magic, finishing the story of the Muggle Hunting Shack as they entered Hogsmeade. She left nothing out; Neville needed to know everything before they arrived at Harry's. Neville stared down at the hair clip in her hand as they stood in Honeyduke's cellar.

"Malfoy gave you jewelry for your birthday?" he repeated. "Enchanted family jewelry? Are we talking interest gift here?"

"Oh, you know about those." Hermione had hoped to avoid that whole topic. But then, Neville was pureblood, raised by a very traditional grandmother. "Draco swears it isn't."

Neville looked skeptical. "Merlin, let's hope not," was all he said. "And thank you for telling me. I don't fancy having a finger sliced off myself."

The story about the Death Eaters and the bit about the hair clip had soured her friend's mood again, and by the time they appeared at Harry's door Neville was nearly scowling, which Hermione pointed out would not help her case with Harry about Draco.

"I'm rethinking my role in this," Neville admitted. "These are very deep waters, Hermione. Speaking of which, I'm going to be late watering my Winkweed. She doesn't like to wait."

Hermione just barely restrained herself from rolling her eyes. She personally wished the plant would shrivel up and die.

"Why, hello, Hermione." Harry's dry voice made them both jump. "And here you are on my doorstep with yet another wizard."

Her best friend looked terrible, pale and hollow-eyed, wearing only boxers, socks and an Order of the Phoenix T-shirt. (Yes, they had gotten T-shirts, enchanted so only other Order members could see the printing.)

Harry looked them up and down. "It looks like nobody's dead or purple and/or covered in blood this time, so I count myself lucky. Hi, Nev, come on in."

Hermione shot Harry a glare as she entered, but said nothing. She had a situation to smooth over.

"Are you all right?" Harry asked her in a low voice. Hermione nodded. "You weren't alone last night, were you?" he asked. "Ginny was with you?"

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