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I am very excited to post these next chapters. A huge thank you to everyone who has followed this insanely long, insanely slow-burn story. Your comments and reactions and questions and explanations mean so much to me! This is why I and other fanfic authors write these stories: to share something we love, make people happy and hopefully make them think, too. We must have diversity in fanfic, with stories that some people like and some people don't and make sure there's something for everyone. The supportive community around "The Gloriana Set," seemingly sprung out of nowhere over a few months, is especially valuable in times like these. Thank you!


(or Love love love Thebe Moon)

Hermione's sleep was uneasy, shredded by dark dreams. She skipped her LOOP Tuesday morning and staggered into a blessedly long, hot shower, drying her hair carefully with her wand and pushing it back with a wide black headband. Her face looked pale in the bathroom light, her eyes dark. Back in her bedroom, she dressed quickly and left after waking up Ginny.

Slowly she descended the dormitory stairs, fretting about Draco and fighting the urge to head to the dungeons. Stop it. If the git didn't go to class, that was McGonagall's problem. He was back in the castle again, meeting the terms of his probation and the Headmistress wouldn't let any auror but Harry near him. Hermione was still anxious, however, and was mulling how to approach Blaise at breakfast when she climbed through the portrait hole and stopped, startled.

For there was the wizard himself, leaning against the opposite wall and reading a parchment covered in runes. His tie was perfectly knotted, his black robes pressed, silver cufflinks polished and not a hair out of place. A far cry from the man she'd left just hours before. Here was a Slytherin in full armor on a murmuring battlefield.

Draco looked up, his eyes a bit shadowy and hollow but shining a clear grey. "Good morning."

Hermione knew she must look ridiculous, standing in front of the portrait hole with her mouth open. She could hear shuffling and muffled complaints behind her as she continued to block the common room's only exit. Draco raised an eyebrow and she flushed and shifted aside.

Neville popped out into the corridor and also halted upon seeing Draco. The Slytherin gave him a polite nod.

"Ah, hello, Malfoy," Neville said, moving aside for the rest of the Gryffindors. A trio of First Years squeaked in fear and ran off. Two burly Fourth Years scowled and looked inclined to speak, but a sharp look from Hermione sent them packing.

"Excuse me." Neville shouldered his bag. "I have to water my Winkweed."

"Pansy's in the Entrance Hall," Draco said. Neville and Hermione glared, but Draco only smiled thinly. Neville stalked off, muttering under his breath.

Hermione bit down a sharp retort. It took some courage for Draco to stand outside Gryffindor Tower on such a morning, with his mother's trial and sentencing so fresh.

"I'm glad you're here, Draco," she said primly instead. "This gives us extra time for studying. I'm sure you've completely neglected your PORN."

"I have, a bit," Draco admitted.

"We'll just have to look at your PORN together."

"And study for NEWTs as well." Another thin smile.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "I suppose you're walking me to breakfast, then."

Draco shrugged. "If you like. I just wanted you to see me." His eyes were watchful. "I didn't want you to worry."

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