The Heart of Hogwarts

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When Hermione returned to the Great Hall, the four long House tables and the teachers' table had vanished, and the magical ceiling was gray and sleety like the actual sky outside. November in Scotland was often overcast, but that morning was particularly dreary, with a slanting, icy rain fighting against a stiff wind. The rattling of the sleet against the hall's large windows echoed in the nearly empty space. A few snitch-shaped cakes from the night before floated near the ceiling like little baked balloons.

McGonagall's throne-like chair remained as well as her podium, and a dozen still-undecorated Christmas trees were placed around the hall. Behind the Headmistress' chair was a broad stone wall hung with banners of the four Houses. Hermione looked thoughtfully at that wall as she walked through the double doors.

In the center of the empty hall, Harry and Draco sat opposite each other in two teacher's chairs, arguing about the Inter-House Quidditch Match.

"Oh, come off it, Potter," Draco snapped. "The snitch practically came up and introduced itself to Ginevra—"

"Always with the ready excuse, Malfoy—"

"Boys!" Hermione called. "We don't have much time!" She ran over to join them, pulling out her wand and conjuring two more chairs.

"Time for what, Mi?" Harry asked.

"Our guest will be here any minute," she said, trying to straighten her skirt and tie. She'd been running all over the castle and didn't want to even think about her hair.

"What guest?" Draco asked. "What guest could be so important that you stick me alone with Potter for another thirty minutes of dreary—"

"Here we are," Hermione said as the large double doors rumbled open.

Harry was standing, a look of shock on his face, and Draco and Hermione turned to see who entered the Great Hall. There, standing perfectly dry with every hair in place, stood Narcissa Malfoy.

"Mother," Draco said, recovering quickly. He gave Hermione a sharp glance, then strode over to Narcissa. "What brings you here in this appalling weather?"

"I thought you might be able to tell me, darling," Narcissa said, unclasping a black velvet cloak that held not a drop of rain.

Draco took the cloak, quickly conjured a cast-iron coat rack to hang it on, then escorted her to one of the chairs in the center of the room. Beneath the cloak, Narcissa wore grey satin robes and her hair sparkled with diamonds. Hermione wondered if she sat around at home dressed for a ball, or whether she had quickly transformed herself. Either way, it was impressive. Hermione tried to smooth her shirt and wished she could straighten her tights.

"Thank you for coming, Lady Malfoy," she said, taking a chair.

"Miss Granger," Narcissa said, eyeing Hermione's wild hair, or the Gloriana clip, or both. "Mr. Potter," she said, a shade more warmly.

"Always a pleasure to see you, Lady Malfoy," Harry said. Narcissa turned to look at her son, and Harry shot Hermione a questioning look.

"Draco, shouldn't you be in class?" Narcissa asked.

"Hermione wouldn't let me go," Draco said with a smile.

Narcissa fixed Hermione with a cold eye. "Your note was quite vague, Miss Granger. I assume you will share with us why it was necessary to bring me to Hogwarts and compromise my son's education."

Hermione barely managed not to roll her eyes. Narcissa's precious son skived off class multiple times a week, usually to fly on his broom or sneak down to the kitchens. Missing one practically remedial Ancient Runes class would make little difference.

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