Exam Day

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Hermione woke Friday morning to near darkness and scrambled to her knees to look at her watch. 6:28. Excellent. Two minutes early. She flopped back onto her pillow, dressed only in knickers and a tank top, indifferent to the morning chill. She had a full day today, with three exams and double Herbology, but she made no move for her textbooks. She didn't even want her LOOP. She just lay in bed, rubbing her left foot over her right calf, thinking about ... nothing.

Her eyes closed. The Charms classroom. Finally, a scene there with Draco that she could remember without cringing or growling. His hand up her thigh, up to her ... Ron had never done that, never moved his hands over her with such sure confidence, focusing on giving, not taking. Who would have thought Draco Malfoy of all people would touch her in such a way? No wonder he had such a reputation. Just thinking about it made her warm; she tried to remember exactly what he did and said, but it was difficult, she'd been so overwhelmed ...

Hermione blinked and sat up. 7:15. Had she fallen asleep again? No, she certainly hadn't, but there was no more time to waste. She rushed through her morning routine, hoping to win an extra 20 minutes to review her Transfiguration flashcards again, then wasted that time staring out the window. Honestly, she scolded herself as she pounded down the stairs to breakfast, you're worse than Lavender.

Draco gave her a wink when she entered the Great Hall, and she couldn't help smiling back before tripping and falling into a bench full of Ravenclaws. Smooth, Hermione. She limped over to the Gryffindor table and pulled out her Transfiguration notes.

"Here, Neville." She shoved the parchment at him. "You'll quiz me, won't you?"

Neville looked appalled. "Oh no. Never again."

"Maybe Malfoy will quiz you," Ginny said slyly as she joined them.

Hermione started at the name. "N-no. He's a terrible quiz partner."

"But an excellent partner in other ways, perhaps?" Ginny asked.

"Seamus!" Hermione called out in desperation. "Didn't you have some questions about the Protean Charm?"

"Never mind," Seamus said glumly. Many Gryffindors went through distinct phases when confronted with major exams. Looking down the table, Hermione could see that her housemates had passed Denial and Panic and were now mired in Hopelessness. Soon they would be Bargaining.

Ginny followed her out of the Great Hall. "Well, look at that," she said, grinning. "Hermione Granger showing up to exams with a poorly cast glamour spell on her neck."

Hermione slapped a hand to her neck without thinking. "Aaagh!"

"This is the best school year ever," Ginny said.

Hermione blushed fiercely: The sight of her bare neck in the bathroom mirror that morning had shocked her and any attempts at healing had been fruitless. She had never allowed Ron to mark her so, and Theo had been too much the gentleman.

"Come now, Hermione," Ginny crooned, pulling at her collar. "Let me see the ferret bites."

"Keep your voice down!" Hermione snapped.

Ginny whined all the way to Ancient Runes, where Draco stood outside the door, looking pristine as always, reading a scroll with a green wax seal. Ginny peeled away with a saucy smile and Hermione walked up to the Slytherin.

"Draco," Hermione said, attempting a cool tone.

"Hermione," he parroted back, pocketing the scroll.

"Ready for your exams?"

"I'm a bit distracted today," he said, amused.

"Yes, Potions exams can be quite nerve-wracking," Hermione said.

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