The Contract

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The Great Hall was a riot of color for that evening's Inter-House Unity Feast, with students seated around twelve smaller tables rather than four long House tables. Hermione joined the Warts, sitting between Draco and Demelza Robbins. George was beside Ginny at the Hogs table, with Harry and Lavinia on the other end. Astoria was nowhere to be seen.

"She's at St. Mungo's," Demelza was telling Seamus, whom she'd invited to sit with her. "My cousin works there. He said they put Greengrass up on brooms, a thestral, even a magic carpet, but she can't rise higher than five feet." Demelza cast a wary glance at Hermione. "She's blaming you."

Hermione shrugged and calmly ate her chicken. "Astoria blames me for everything. My very existence has apparently ruined her life."

"You didn't hex her?" Seamus asked. Other nearby students were suddenly silent.

"Nonsense. I was fifty feet away and I didn't even have my wand," Hermione said. Everyone looked skeptical. "Really. Ask Harry."

Draco flickered a quick glance at her non-denial denial, but said nothing, just drank his pumpkin juice. He had been a bit broody throughout dinner, and Hermione didn't think it was about Astoria or the lost match. Demelza looked satisfied by Hermione's answer, but Seamus eyed her doubtfully.

Dessert arrived, letting Hermione off the hook, although she knew there would be rumors, like with the Slytherin Beaters or Astoria's "accident" in Herbology. Let them talk. Hermione doubted any examination would turn up anything, except maybe a little Virgin Earth on Astoria's shoes. That could actually work in her favor since Virgin Earth was poorly understood and walking through it could conceivably cause odd effects. The only people who could rat her out were Neville and Pansy, which she found unlikely.

The students oohed and aahed over the desserts: little snitch-shaped cakes that hovered over the plates. The cakes were Ernie's idea, and at first Hermione thought he'd actually done something right. But then all the cakes suddenly took off, whizzing around the Great Hall like real snitches. Pandemonium ensued, with students dashing about in pursuit of their treats. Some used their wands to bring the cakes down from the ceiling, but others climbed on tables to snatch cakes out of the air.

Draco touched her hand under the table and when she looked at him, he gave her a faint smile. "Time to go," he whispered.

She was only too happy to comply—best to get away while everyone was distracted. Ginny winked at them as they passed the Hogs table and George waggled his eyebrows suggestively. Hermione just managed not to blush.

They crossed the Entrance Hall in silence, leaving the shouting and general bedlam behind in the Great Hall. The fallen stone block still sat by the Hourglass Cabinet, its deadly message shrouded under a black drape.

"I saw a very odd sight earlier today," Draco said as they descended the stairs. "A flock of pigeons was hopping outside the castle doors, unable to fly higher than a foot off the ground."

"They were attacking owls," Hermione said. She scowled. "They attacked Brownie." She had told Draco about Brownie's role at the muggle hunting shack, and he'd insisted on going to the owlry after DADA with a box of treats.

"Is the spell permanent?" Draco asked.

"I don't think so. It should wear off in time." She smiled. "No more Quidditch for Astoria this year, though." Astoria was rotten and dangerous, but she was no Celeste Rosier. "She'll likely have an affinity for the earth from now on, though. Might affect her flying speed."

They were approaching the Slytherin dungeons now, and Hermione's heartbeat increased. She could guess where they were heading and although he'd slept twice in her bed, plus the Room of Requirement, accompanying Draco to his bedroom felt more ... purposeful. She looked up at Draco to see him avoiding her eyes and flushing lightly. He felt it, too.

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