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Coop leaves and I kiss my dad and head to bed after telling him I put flowers on grandmas grave and saw grandpa

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Coop leaves and I kiss my dad and head to bed after telling him I put flowers on grandmas grave and saw grandpa.

I'm so tired and happy to hear that Coop likes me and well who knows where this is going. But I can't lose sleep over it because I need sleep and need to take the evidence in.

I wake up around 8 pm and head downstairs to grab a snack and see a note from my dad.

I set your alarm munchkin and it's my four fav numbers. I love you be safe tonight. -Dad.

I should have known what he would use. I can't help but laugh as I grab a banana and eat it real fast before going back upstairs for a shower.

When I get out of the shower my phone beeps so I walk over to the nightstand and pick it up.

📱Hey V do you want me to pick you up?

📱Sure sounds good to me.

📱I'm at burger king getting food want anything?

📱An original chicken sandwich and some fries, please.

📱You got it.

I lay my phone on the bed and put my uniform on and gun belt on. Grab my gun out of the safe. Look at my hair one more time before picking up my phone and heading downstairs.

Just as I make it to the kitchen there is a doorbell ring. "Wow, that's new." I laugh opening the door.

"Looks like your dad set you up huh?" Coop said.

"Apparently so. He even put what numbers he wants for the code but I guess he would know that I would forget. Let's try them out." I said walking over to it and hit alarm.

We sit at the counter and he pulls the food out. "I thought you might be hungry after your sleep." He said.

"I was thank you. I'll pay you what's my part?" I ask.

"It's on me don't worry about it. Did you go to sleep or stay up with your dad?" He asked.

"Oh I went right to sleep I was too tired and that's why he left me this note," I said.

"That was sweet of him to do this for you V.," He said.

"I need to text him and thank him real fast.

📱Dad i'm heading to work shortly but thanks you for installing the alarm. I love you.

📱I love you too munchkin and your welcome. 🥰

"My dad loves emojis." I laugh showing Coop my phone.

"At least he texts you. I never hear from my dad. Just whatever my mom tells me about him." He shrugs.

"I'm sorry Coop," I said squeezing his leg.

"Let's get on the road and take the evidence." He said grabbing the box off the table.

"Hopefully Clint listened in on Rob's calls to see who delivered the package," I said.

I walk over to the door and look at the alarm when Coop grabs my hand and turns me around and pushes me up against the door.

"Before we get to work I need something from you V.," He said.

"What is that Coop?" I said looking up at him.

"This." He said and then his lips crash down on mine.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he kisses down my jaw and my neck before finding my lips again.

"We really need to go, Coop," I said against his lips.

"Yes we do but well I needed to do that." He smirks as I set the alarm and we walk out to the car.

Once at work I hand the package off and head to my desk. I'm working on some paperwork when Coop said the Chief wanted to see us.

"Alright Coop, Reece what do you got for me?" He asked.

Coop looks at me to go ahead and sits down beside me.

"Well someone left a package at my door and it's being checked now and trying to see who Rob talked to on the phone to bring it over," I said.

"Well, what was in the package?" Chief asked.

"I was there when the package came we had been running and I opened it and it was a pair of red thongs and some Hershey kisses." Coop said.

"What an odd combo and it's not even Valentine's." The chief laughs.

"Yeah, I'm hoping Clint got some info on who Rob talked to." Coop said.

"Go get him will ya Coop?" Chief asked.

"Sure." Coop got up and headed out of the room.

"We need to keep you protected Violet." He said.

"Thanks, chief but my dad came installed an alarm and I have my gun," I said.

Coop walks back in with Clint. "Any news?" Chief asks.

"Yeah I went through his calls and the only person he talked to is Quincy. So I looked up and that seems to be one of Valentine's men. Quincy Rayes." Clint said.

I pulled out my notepad and wrote that down.  "Ok Coop you and Violet try to find a lead of where we can find Quincy and go pick him up ok?" Chief said.

"We can do that Chief," I said getting up heading to my desk.

I did some searching and found an address for Quincy and we are going to head over and see if he is there.

We get in the car and head over to the address I found for Quincy. "How much you want to bet he's not even here." Coop said.

"No, probably not but maybe we will see something," I said.

We sit at his address for a few hours and nothing ever happened so we decided to leave. Our shift was almost up and we would leave it to the day shift.

"You up for a run this morning?" I ask him.

"I am if you are V.," He said smiling over at me placing his hand on my leg.

I smile back at him and look out the window on the way back to the station.

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