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After we eat I know that Julia needs to be fed so I ask Sierrah to go upstairs with me

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After we eat I know that Julia needs to be fed so I ask Sierrah to go upstairs with me. She follows me into Julia's room and I sit in the rocking chair to feed while Sierrah sits on the floor.

"Alright we called you guys over for a reason but neither of you has spoken to each other. What is going on Si? I know you like him or did." I asked.

"Violet I'm not sure what going on but the other day I saw him at the bank and I saw the teller girl flirting with him and she slid him her number and he put it in his pocket!" She said.

"But did you see him flirting back? Hell, you don't even know if he called her." I said.

"I know and I've been very jealous of his relationship with you Violet. He is always loving on you and stuff." She shrugged.

"Oh my god, Si don't you know that I think of Cam as my brother and I'm so in love with my husband?" I said.

"I know it's stupid... But he hasn't tried to get in contact with me any." She said.

"He said he text you and you don't respond." I said

"Well that's true." She shrugged.

"You were seen the other day after he texted you in an ice cream place with another guy." I said.

"OMG Violet that was Markie... You know Markie my best guy friend who I'm trying to get to work for me at the cafe." She said.

"Well, Cam doesn't know that now does he?" I said.

"No, I guess not..." She said.

I lift Julia up and burp her. "Ok, so can we go downstairs and get this settled, please? I like to do that before we talk to you guys." I said.

"Fine let's go and you lead the way," Sierrah said.

We walk downstairs and I ask the guys to come to the table. Once everyone is sitting I hand Julia to Coop. "We have something important to talk to you guys with but before we do that we want to get the bull shit out of the way," I said.

"This is a safe place around this table and no judging." Coop said.

"Sierrah can you tell Cam who that guy was that you were eating ice cream with please?"

Sierrah looks over at Cam... "That is my best friend Markie and I had ice cream with him trying to get him to come work for me once the cafe is open." She said.

"Now Cam can you tell her about the bank teller?" I said.

"Bank teller?" He asked confused.

"Yeah, the one I saw flirting with you and gave you her number," Sierrah said.

"Ohhh her. Yeah she was flirting with me but I never flirted back and I took the number to be nice but if you would have watched you would have seen me throw the number in the trashcan outside." Cam said.

Sierrah looked relieved and then smiled. Cam smiled back at her.

"Are we all good now? Wait Cam can you tell her that you're not in love with me. But you love me like your sister and that you can't help but shower Julia with attention." I said.

"What? I'm not in love with you Violet. You are my sister just not by blood but that doesn't matter and I would give up my life for Julia and I'm sorry if that bothers you Sierrah." Cam shrugged and reached for Julia from Coop.

"I will get over it. But I'm glad to know that you didn't like that girl. So when are we going out again?" She laughed.

"Whenever you want. Maybe dinner at my house since I bought the house two doors down." He smirked.

"You did? I had no idea!" Sierrah smiles.

"Ok, you guys you can catch up later. We brought you both here to clear things up and ask you a question." I said.

"Ok, what is it then?" Cam asked.

"V and I were wondering if you guys would be Julia's godparents?" Coop asked.

"Really you guys want me to be the godmother?" Sierrah smiled.

"Of course I do Si... You are my best friend and I can't think of anyone else." I smile.

"I am honored," Cam said smiling.

"So that's a yes from both of you?" Coop asked.

"That is a hell yeah from me." Cam smiled.

"Cam! No cussing around Julia. When she gets old enough and spits out a dirty word you are in deep trouble." I snort.

"I'm sorry Julia I will try and do better for you," Cam said kissing her head.

"That just melted my ovaries." I snort.

"Oh dear lord are you wanting to try for another baby V?" Coop laughs

"Soon I think. I want them to be close in age." I laugh.

"You two are making us uncomfortable and I know you're doing it on purpose." Cam laughed.

Julia begins to cry. "Oh man, she stinks," Cam said.

"Not it! Coop laughed.

"You don't want me to do it." Sierrah laughed.

"Fine I'll do it but I won't like it," Cam said getting up and carrying Julia upstairs.

"So tell us about this cafe. Dad told us the name. I'm excited about it and cant wait to pet some cats." I said.

"When the time comes will you go with me to the animal shelter and get some cats?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, id love to. Id probably want to bring one home." I said looking over at Cam.

"I'm not sure I would say yes to that V. Those little vampire teeth freak me out." Coop said.

"A big bad cop is scared of a little kitty cat?" I snort.

"Leave me alone." He laughs.

Cam comes back down with Julia in his arms. "I think she's ready to sleep."

"Good I will take her upstairs and put her to bed and I'm ready to sleep myself. Cam, I'm sure you can walk Sierrah out." I said.

"Goodnight guys!" Coop said.

"Goodnight you two and thanks for choosing us and helping us settle something we should have talked about together," Cam said.

"Your welcome! Now go kiss." I giggle going upstairs.

" I giggle going upstairs

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