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The next morning I'm still in bed when Cam knocks on the door and peeps his head in

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The next morning I'm still in bed when Cam knocks on the door and peeps his head in.

"You guys ready for breakfast?" He asks.

"Yeah Coop is getting ready. I think I'm going to tell grandpa about the baby," I said.

"Are you going to swear him to secrecy too?" Cam laughed right as Coop walked out of the bathroom.

"God, you look good enough to eat," I said.

"Fuck Violet!" Cam laughed.

"Oh did I say that out loud?" She snorts.

Coop laughs. "Maybe later but let's get going."

"It's the hormones I think sorry!" I laugh.

We head down to the kitchen and outside as Coop sets the alarm.

"Can I drive again?" Cam asked.

"No I'm driving and you can on the way back." Coop said.

"Glad I get a say in my own truck. I laugh.

We pull up at Denny's and I have a flashback of getting shot and I have to catch my breath.

"Are you ok V?" I ask.

"I think just a flashback of that night." I sigh.

Cam opens my door and helps me out of the truck and wraps his arm around my neck. "You are the toughest woman I know."

"Thanks, Cam." I wipe my eyes.

Coop grabs my hand and squeezes as we walk into Denny's looking for my grandpa.

Karen spots us first and she rushes over and hugs me. "I'm so glad that you're ok."

"Thanks, Karen." I smile.

"Your grandfather is over there." She points.

Coop and I slide in the booth and Cam sits beside grandpa. "Hey." I smile at him.

"I'm glad you kids made it." He said.

"Where is Diane? She didn't want to come?" I ask.

"No, she was going over her sisters this morning they are canning apples." He said.

Karen came over and took our order and Grandpa seemed so excited to be going over and helping dad out after we leave here.

The food comes and we stuff our faces but that's nothing new. Once the plates were cleared off I looked over at Coop and Cam and smiled.

"Grandpa we want to tell you something well show you but it's a secret that doesn't leave this table ok?" I said.

"Well, Violet honey what is it? I'm nervous." He laughed.

"Nothing to be nervous about but for now it's our little secret. You can't even tell Diane promise?" I said.

"I promise." He said.

I took out the folded sonogram paper and slid it across the table to him. He picked it up and looked at it and his eyes got really big. "Oh, Mylanta are you?"

"Yes, grandpa I found out when I went back to the ER for my infection. We are eight weeks." I smiled.

"Wow, my first great grandbaby." He smiled with tears in his eyes and reached across the table and squeezed my hand.

"Can I keep this? I promise I won't show anyone and I'll keep it in my wallet." He said.

"Of course grandpa we have more. I'm going to wait until I'm around twelve weeks or so before I tell the family. Not sure how to even do that." I laugh.

"With food!" Cam said.

"We always celebrate with food." I laugh.

"Food is the way to a man's heart you know." Grandpa laughs... "But in her pants is a way to a man's heart too."

I snort and both of the guys laugh. "That is true." Coop said.

"Well, I better get over to Levi's and help him with that toilet. I will be seeing you kids next Sunday and Cam it was a pleasure meeting you and I will pray for your safe return.

"Thank you, Davis! I'll be back again soon." Cam said.

We got up to leave and Coop went over to pay while Cam and I walked grandpa out to his car.

"I love you Violet and I'm so proud of you," Grandpa said kissing me on the cheek. He patted Cams back before getting in the car. "Thank Cooper for the breakfast." He said.

"Your grandpa is a cool guy. I wish I had one of those." Cam said.

"You can borrow mine anytime you want," I said handing him the keys.

Just as we got in the truck Coop came out and jumped in the back and headed home.

Once home I texted Sierrah and asked if she wanted to come over and watch a movie with us. Of course, she jumped on the chance.

"Cam why you mean mugging me? You didn't want her to come over on your last night?" I ask.

"No, it's fine I just act differently when she's around." He laughs.

"Yup like a puppy dog who can't keep its tongue in its mouth." I laugh.

Coop laughs... "How I looked when I first saw you."

Sierrah lightly knocks on the door and then walks in. She had a cute pair of shorts on with a yellow t-shirt.

"Hey, guys! I brought cookies." She smiled.

"Thanks, Si I'm sure they will go great with the popcorn I'm making and some Twizzlers as well," I said.

"We will grab the beer for us guys and fruity drinks for you two and meet you downstairs." Coop said.

"I wish I was old enough to drink." Sierrah laughed.

"Since you can't I won't either. Coop is going to make us mocktails." I said knowing I couldn't drink if I wanted to. I can't tell Sierrah about the baby because she may tell.

"Did you see grandpas truck at Dad's?" I ask.

"Yeah, I did. Daddy went over to help them." She said.

"I hope they get in some bonding time. Grandpa was excited about it all. " I said grabbing the snacks.

Sierrah follows me down the steps and we sit the goodies on the table and all four of us sit on the big couch.

Coop sits down and then me and Cam and Sierrah at the end. I look over at Cam and smile.

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