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I picked some colors I want for Julia's room

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I picked some colors I want for Julia's room.  I want multiple color walls and make it a unicorn room. Teals, pink, yellow, and purple walls.

I already got some things in the garage that I have been holding back until we get the paint done which Cam promised to do this weekend.

The doorbell rings and when making it to the door it's my mom. I open the door and smile at her. "Hey, mom come on in."

"I just wanted to stop by and check on you guys. I knew Cam is with your dad and Coop is working." She smiled.

"Yeah, I was just ordering stuff for the baby's room," I said.

"Well, I brought stuff to paint your nails and pamper your feet. I know you need it." She said.

"Aww, mom you always know what I need." I smile.

"I also brought cookies. Be right back let me grab the stuff." She said.

I sit down at the table and wait on her to come back in and when she does she has her arms full.

"Come on let's go to the living room so I can work on your feet sweet pea." She said.

I waddled to the couch and sit down and she had this foot bath thing with water and she put my feet in it and massaged and lotioned them and cut my nails and then painted them a really cute purple color.

"You always knew purple was my favorite before I even knew Violet was a purple color." I laugh.

"Are you ready to have Julia?" She asked.

"I'm nervous but ready. I have about a month left but I'm trying not to count the time down. But I want to get her room done." I said.

"I know you do and I assume you are nesting now." She said.

"Yeah I am but Cam is going to do the baby room this weekend with Coop's help I think," I said.

"That will make you feel better. But honestly, she could come at any time." Mom said.

"That scares me especially when I'm alone mom," I said.

"We all could get to you within a minute if you went into labor." She said.

"That's true I guess. I'm just worried about the whole thing when I don't know what's going to happen." I laugh grabbing the cookie container.

"You will be fine Violet and if you need me to hold your hand I will but I suspect you want that to be Cooper." She said.

"Yeah, I do want him to hold my hand. I may squeeze it off." I laugh.

"He will be ok. I mean he is a cop." She laughs.

I yawn... "I'm just ready to meet her."

"We all do sweet pea. Well, I'm going to get out of here and let you have a nap. I'll set you alarm for you." Mom said.

"Thanks, mom I appreciate everything you have done for me today," I said reaching my arms out for a hug.

She hugs me and kisses the top of my head. "I love you, Violet."

"I love you too mom." I smile before closing my eyes and drift off to sleep. When I wake up I see blue eyes staring at me.

"What in the hell Cam? You scared me." I laugh.

"I was making sure you were breathing. I umm stopped at the paint store on the way home and got the colors you wanted." He said.

"Oh thank you so much for doing that," I said sitting up.

"I also got you some fries." He smiled handing me the bag.

"God I love you! The baby is starving." I snort.

"Oh, I'm sure she is." He sits down beside me with a burger and fry.

"So are you expecting me to help you paint Cam?'

"No, but you can sit and supervise." He smiles.

"You are going to make a great dad one day Cam," I said.

"Slow your roll girl! I just want to be an uncle." He said.

"Sierrah really likes you Cam are you feeling the same way?" I asked.

"We have only gone on one date. I mean we text sometimes but it's nothing yet." He said walking to Julia's room.

"You said yet!" I laugh.

"Tell me how you want this paint." He said.

"Since the room is big I want you to mix it up to be rainbow-like. I have unicorn sheets and dolls for the room already."

"Alright but don't be mad if it's not how you want it." He shrugged.

"I don't think I should stay in here because of the smell. I'll be laying in my bed but come get me if you need me ok?" I said.

"Sounds good Violet." He said.

I had just got in bed when I got a text from Coop.

📱On my home with 🍗 Love you!❤️

📱Love you too! Be careful! 🤰 😋

I get up and walk back to the baby's room and Cam has two walls painted. "Coop is on his way home with chicken."

"Good I'm friggin starving." He said putting the roller down.

"It looks good Cam!" I smile.

As soon as we made it to the kitchen Coop came in the door with some KFC chicken and some yellow roses for me.

"These are for you V.," He said kissing me.

"Shucks Coop I thought they were for me." Cam laughs.

"Cam on the way home I saw the house that's two houses over from us is for sale. That would be awesome to be neighbors." Coop said.

"Oh wow really? I'll get the number in the morning and call. You guys wouldn't mind being neighbors?" He asked.

"No way! Uncle Cam, next door would be awesome." I smile.

"Then I will call tomorrow. Don't get me wrong I love living with you guys but at some point, I'm going to need my own place." He said.

"We understand that's why I told you." Coop said.

"Oh, it's going to be a huge house! Maybe you will need a roommate." I smirk at Cam.

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