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We made it to the house and I got the baby carrier out while V got out slowly and Cam followed behind with the stuff

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We made it to the house and I got the baby carrier out while V got out slowly and Cam followed behind with the stuff.

"I'm going to take the stuffed animals to Julia's room," Cam said.

A few minutes later he gets to hollering for us to come to the baby's room.

I picked the carrier back up and we walked upstairs and into the room. We were shocked by what we saw.

"Who finished the room?" I ask

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"Who finished the room?" I ask.

"I bet mom and Aunt Remi! That's why they were late coming to the hospital yesterday." V said.

I take Julia out of the carrier and take her over to the changing table and change her diaper.

She begins crying and V said she needed to be fed so Cam and I stepped out and went downstairs while she did that.

"It's nice to be home with Julia huh?" Cam said.

"It's a relief that they both are ok. So what's going on with you and Sierrah? You two didn't even acknowledge each other yesterday in the hospital room." I said.

"Hell if I know. I texted her when Violet was in labor and she read it but she never responded." He shrugged.

"I thought she really liked you and now she acts like your not in the room," I said.

"I'm not sure maybe she's waiting on me to make another move but I'm not good with dating and maybe she lost interest." He said.

"I'm sure V will find out because I saw her giving Sierrah a weird face." I laugh.

V walks back downstairs without Julia but has the monitor in her hands. "What are you guys up to?"

"I was asking Cam what was going on with him and Sierrah," I said.

"Yeah, she sure was acting weird. I don't get what's going on." She said.

"I'm not worried about it. Maybe she's not the girl for me." Cam shrugged.

"Maybe she's upset Cam got to stay in the room and you didn't invite her," I said.

"I didn't have time to think about it, to be honest, I was trying to birth a human, and if that's what it is she just has to get the fuck over it," V said.

"That's the wife I know and love." I laugh.

"Since Julia is sleeping I'm going to take a nap I'm still exhausted. You guys will watch and listen for her right?" V asked.

"Of course we will V. I could have held her while she slept." Cam laughed.

"Yeah and then we would never be able to put her down." V laughed going upstairs.

"I don't know about you Coop but I'm starving," Cam said.

"Yeah, I could eat what are you going to make us?" I laugh.

"Well since it's close to lunchtime how about some turkey wraps with cheese?" Cam said.

"Sounds good to me. I'm going to sit here and watch this monitor. It still seems unreal about having her home." I smile.

Cam makes some much so that V can have some when she gets up. We were able to eat and clean up before Julia cried and we both rushed upstairs.

I picked her up and man she smelled really bad. "Oh no she pooped," I said.

"I think that's something for daddy to do." Cam laughs.

"Oh no, I think Uncle Cam needs to change a diaper." I laugh.

"I can't I might puke but I'll help you out," Cam said grabbing a diaper.

I opened the diaper and it was all I could do and not gag.

"What did that kid eat? She's rotten!" Cam laughs.

"Her momma's milk. But I'm not sure but it's like tar." I said wiping her butt with a warm wipe.

I get her cleaned up and Cam takes the diaper to the diaper genie and now she smells better and is trying to look around.

"Can I hold her?" Cam asked and I passed her over. He sits down in the chair and begins to rock her while I went to wash my hands.

When I walked back into the room Cam was lowly singing to Julia. I snapped a couple of pics of them without him knowing and then I walked down the hall to check on V and she was snoring loudly.

I closed the door back up and went back to Julia's room and found Cam putting her back in her crib. She was sound asleep.

"Maybe we should take the bassinet down to the living room and when we are down there she can sleep in it and not be so far away," I said.

"Good idea. I'll pick her back up and you grab that and let's go. Maybe something on tv we can watch." Cam said.

I put the bassinet beside the couch and we both relaxed and cut the tv on. Just as I found something to watch Cams phone rang.

When he hung up he said Levi wants him to work with him in the morning. "How is that going? Are you really wanting to do construction?" I ask.

"I'm not sure what I want to do but I do like working with the wood and my hands so it's nice. Plus the other guys are fun to work with especially Larry." He said.

"I thought you would want to be a cop or something," I said.

"Nah I think the Air Force was enough for me. I want to be free and not feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders." He said.

"I get that and my job is dangerous and lots of pressure. I worry with V and me both cops in case something were to happen what would happen to Julia?" I sigh.

"You would never have to worry about that. I would take her in a heartbeat and raise her if Levi and Avah didn't snatch her up." Cam laughed.

"Well, that's reassuring for sure. You never know what could happen." I said.

"Let's not even think about that Coop. But your baby girl would be taken care of just know that." Cam said.

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