Part 11

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Jimin pretended nothing happened for a few days, that he never said the thing he said.

"He's gonna move on Jimin, he won't love us forever if we sit around like idiots," Hoseok had encouraged him to do something first. Because he was just as much of a coward as Jimin was.

He finally moved his ass from the couch when Hoseok had texted him and reminded him of how Taehyung's friends probably had massive crushes on him and were probably making moves on him at that very second.

The thought made him grit his teeth, eye twitching in anger.

He hoped Bogum wasn't home, knocking on the door softly.

Thankfully, it was Taehyung who answered the door.

Jimin wanted to coo. Taehyung had a fluffy grey blanket wrapped around his shoulders, eyes squinted slightly from the bright light outside, fists trying to rub away the sleep, and lips pouted slightly.

"J-Jimin," He greeted sleepily, not fully comprehending what was happening.

"Hi Taehyung. I'm um. I'm here alone, to ask if we could maybe talk?"

Taehyung nodded, opening the door and slowly walking back to the couch. He tripped a few times over the blanket that was at his feet, but he plopped on the couch as if he didn't have a care in the world.

"Uh, where's Bogum?" Jimin asked.

"Work, said something 'bout needed to fire some idiots," He slurred, covering his head with the blanket, "'S too bright Min,"

Jimin smiled, looking around to find the light switch.

Their home had been cleaned, new furniture had been bought, and it looked like nothing ever happened.

The lights were turned off and Jimin sat down on the couch opposite Taehyung, not wanting to make him uncomfortable or be unable to see him.

Not that he could see the younger with a blanket over his head, but that was solved when he promised the lights were off and his eyes wouldn't burn if he removed the grey piece of fabric.

"So what's up?" Taehyung asked, mid yawn. He pulled the blanket up to his chin, resting his head on the pillows.

He looked at Jimin with unfocused, sleepy eyes, and a pout.

"I um," Jimin cleared his throat, "I'm..."

"You're what Jiminie?" Taehyung frowned, seeing him distraught.

"I'm so sorry, like I said a few days ago, but that wasn't enough. No apologies will ever be enough, nothing will. And I....still love you and I want to try again, and I promise I'll be less of a dick. If you don't want me, that's fine, but I will do everything in my power to win you back, because I think you're worth anything,"

Taehyung's eyes squinted, and Jimin shifted nervously.

"Okay," Taehyung said.



"...okay what?"

"Okay. Win me back,"


Taehyung seemed more awake after Jimin told him to take a shower, they were going somewhere.

He was more apprehensive and seemed less confident in his decision to let Jimin take him anywhere.

"I'm such a fucking idiot," Jimin heard him whisper to himself.

He wanted to frown and correct him, as well as scold him for his language, but he had no place to do so. They weren't friends, and they sure as hell weren't boyfriends. They were starting fresh.

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