Part 32

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He was distraught.

Was it too soon? Should he have already done it? He definitely should have already done it.

Would Taehyung be mad? He already was mad, so did it matter? Probably.

Deep breath in, breathe out.

He pondered for another moment or two and sat on his couch with nothing but the radio silence of an otherwise empty house to help him.

His blonde hair looked like a bird's nest, his eyes were puffy from allergies and lack of sleep (crying too, but he wouldn't say that), and slender fingers fiddled with unwashed clothes.

Yoongi was a mess.

He hadn't left his home in weeks. Probably over a month, he didn't know. He lost track of time.

Namjoon hadn't talked to him, but he assumed the younger was doing fine with the business. He usually took care of the business end anyways.

All he had been able to bring himself to do was sit down and occasionally write something, but it was more often then not thrown out. It was all bad, and usually made him cry more then anything.

He knew he was a mess. He had stopped going to anger management. His therapy sessions. Everything.

God he was such a fucking idiot.

The second the words had left his mouth at the start of everything, he had regretted it. But he was stubborn, hardheaded, arrogant, all of that and more. He couldn't have taken it back, even if he had tried.

He wished, more then anything, that he had begun taking anger management sooner. Maybe then things would've been better, ended up happier.

He so fucking angry. The thought that the one person he trusted with everything, his music, his life, hell he had given his soul to the boy, had betrayed him? It was beyond devastating.

From then on, all he had done was try to convince himself that what he saw was true and Taehyung was the one in the wrong.

And eventually, he believed it.

"So fucking stupid." Yoongi muttered.

He had never meant to get the others involved either. They had noticed, and he wasn't one to lie. He told them what he thought had happened. At first, they laughed, and told him that he was stupid. And then Jimin had explained what he saw. They still didn't believe them.

And then Jungkook saw Taehyung, and everything went downhill from there.

If he hadn't been so angry, if he had just had better control-

No use with "ifs".

They wouldn't fix anything.

Nothing may ever fix what he did, but maybe it was worth a try.


"Hyung Hyung Hyung!" Taehyung pestered, making Hoseok look over, "Guess what?"

"What?" He smiled fondly. He refrained from pointing out the people looking at them because of Taehyung's energy, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable in any way.

"Jiminie gave me hot chocolate this morning, after Gummie gave me chocolate milk!" It was beyond obvious that he was hyper.

"And what else?"

"Jiminie gave me a bag of candy, but told me not to eat it all."

"You ate it all."

"I did! And I think I'm a bit hyper right now but it's okay because now my energy just matches yours!"

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