Part 1

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A tear dropped down his face as he sung the last note, looking out of the window into the pouring rain.

"Aish, I thought I was done crying," He scoffed at himself, running a hand through his caramel colored hair.

"Well if you didn't think about it, maybe you wouldn't cry at all," Bogum shrugged, setting down a mug of hot chocolate with extra whipped cream.

Taehyung thanked him quietly, earning a small kiss on his temple.

"Taehyungie, I love you, you know that," Bogum sighed, "And it's killing me, seeing you like this,"

"I'm sorry Hyung," He mumbled.

"No reason to apologize, you're like my little brother, I'm just worried,"

Taehyung hummed, taking a small sip of the sugary drink, "No reason to be worried. I'm fine,"

Bogum's eyes only grew sadder, watching him only make himself more miserable.


Taehyung shivered, the December air anything but warm and cozy like he wished it to be.

"Asking me to go get him coffee the night before my birthday," He murmered to himself angrily, rubbing his arms quickly to try to stay warm.

Bogum was lucky that their local grocery store was basically always open, otherwise that fucker wouldn't get his coffee.

"I don't even drink coffee and I have to go buy it," His nose wrinkled at the thought of coffee, something he hated with a burning passion.

He hated the taste, it was bitter, and gross, and no matter how much sugar or milk, or creamer he put in. And the smell of coffee made him sad, it reminded him of....of no one important.

Taehyung shook his head, shaking off the snow that fell from the entrance of the store as he walked in.

Somehow, even at 10 at night, there were 4 other people in the tiny grocery store in their tiny town.

He avoided them at all costs, social interaction was scary.

He turned around to the coffee aisle, grumbling to himself as he searched for the specific one Bogum wanted. Also, coincidentally the only one that the unimportant person would drink.

Reaching for the last bag, he didn't see the pink headed male enter the same aisle as he was in.

"Excuse me," A soft voice asked.

Fuck, where did he know that voice from?

"Is there any way I could sneak that from you? It's the only one my Hyung will drink,"

He sighed, he would just walk to the convienence store in the morning, maybe they would have it there.

"Yeah, here,"

Taehyung looked up.

And he froze.

Now he remembered. He knew that voice.

That was the voice that used to sing him to sleep when his anxiety got the best of him.

The voice, along with others, that used to calm him from his panic attacks.

One of the voices that is now the source of his nightmares.

Jimin seemed just as shocked, hand outstretched for the bag.

'He looks good,' Jimin thought, 'A little tired, like he's been crying, not sleeping. But he still looks...good,'

Taehyung felt tears spring to his eyes, and he placed the coffee back on the shelf, shouldering past the taller to the exit of the store.

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