Part 20

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Taehyung's head was thrown back on Jimin's shoulder, cocky smirk plastered on his face.


Namjoon ignored when Jimin tugged the youngest closer, into his lap. He tried not to let his expression match the burning pit in his stomach at the sight. Being jealous probably wasn't the best way to get Taehyung back.

Ever since they ran into him at the store, almost months ago at this point, the younger boy hadn't really left Namjoon's mind.

Not only did he look significantly healthier now, much to Namjoon's relief, but he didn't seem afraid. Jimin being near him, last Namjoon saw, made him have a panic attack. What had happened? What did he miss?

"What makes you say that?" Taehyung asked, shaking him back to reality, "Last I knew, you hated my guts."

Jimin pinched his waist, gently, as a warning. Taehyung didn't know what Jimin was trying to tell him, he thought it was fair to make Namjoon feel at least a little bad. Wait, that sounded awful. But he didn't particularly care at the moment.

"No I never- I never hated you," Namjoon frowned. Was that really what Taehyung thought? That they hated him? "I just-"

"You just thought that instead of trying to find out what actually happened, you would believe Yoongi, who is a notorious hothead."

Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck, unsure of what to say, "I'm not trying....I'm not trying to make what I did any better. I should've tried to talk to you about it, instead of just accepting what happened. I know that. I'm not trying to justify what happened, I'm asking for a chance to fix what I broke."

"This speech seems oddly familiar," Taehyung raised an eyebrow.

Namjoon wiggled in his seat, uncomfortable under Taehyung's glare. Taehyung glaring at him was new.

"But, it would be a bitch move if I said no, because everyone deserves a second chance," And Taehyung missed him greatly, not that he would admit it. He missed Namjoon a lot, he always held a special affection for the elder. He looked up to Namjoon, and admired him.

Namjoon perked up, a smile growing on his face, "Really?"

Taehyung shrugged, pressing his face into Jimin's neck. He had somehow maneuvered himself completely on Jimin's lap, curled up tightly. He felt himself drifting off after a few seconds of silence. It was nice to be able to fall asleep in someone's arms, it always made him feel a bit better.

He ignored the bitterness floating through his head as he thought of the man sitting next to him, just as he always tried to break through the bitterness while with Hoseok.

He didn't want to be angry anymore, it was too tiring. Not that he was too angry in the first place, he was more so disappointed and sad. He just wanted his boyfriends back. He wanted to be cuddled and smothered in kisses, and wanted to be held and feel loved.

Of course, he was thankful that Jimin took that step first, because he knew he would never. And as much as he lov- felt grateful for Jimin, his heart still ached.

Slowly, the hushed TV and Jimin's steady breathing pulled him into darkness, his mind running blank as he fell asleep.

"Hey baby," He woke up to Jimin whispering, presumably not too much later, judging by the fact that Namjoon was still there.

He smiled slightly, humming as he felt Jimin's arms tighten around him.

"C'mon, we gotta get you home love," Jimin tried gently poking his sides, but only got a slight whine in response. He kept poking, trying not to giggle at Taehyung's sleepy offended face.

Namjoon watched from the couch, smiling when Taehyung cutely pushed Jimin's arms away while pouting.

"No Jiminie, wan' stay with you."

Cooing, Jimin pressed a small kiss to the crown of Taehyung's head, "Okay baby, but then you have to help me get you to bed. I can't carry you by myself."

"I can help carry him, if he's too out of it," Namjoon offered quietly, trying to keep his eyes from straying when Taehyung's shirt dropped off his shoulder.

"No Hyung, it's fine. I'm sure you have a bunch of stuff to do, it's late."

"If you don't want me to help, just say so."

Jimin's smile dropped to a neutral expression, "I don't want you to help. He probably doesn't feel comfortable with you yet, and the last thing I want is for him to freak out."

Taehyung, back to quietly snoring on Jimin's chest, only startled slightly when Jimin moved him to the couch. The elder stood up and stretched before leaning down to wrap Taehyung's arm around his shoulder and hooking his own arms under Taehyung's legs and around his back.

"Fuck," Jimin huffed, when he lifted Taehyung up, "I need to do more weight lifting."

Namjoon laughed at his defeated expression, "Kook still has a gym membership, go with him."

"I should, shouldn't I?"

Namjoon nodded, and then it was silent. He watched Jimin take a deep breath before lifting once more, Taehyung's arms dangling off of Jimin's shoulders awkwardly.

Eventually, Jimin managed to drag Taehyung to his room and lay him on the bed. His hair was fanned into a halo above his head, and he instinctively searched for something to hold, a small frown on his face. Jimin grinned before placing a small pillow in his arms, cooing at the smile he recieved. Instead of slipping under the covers next to his sleeping angel like he wanted, Jimin headed back into the living room to say goodbye to Namjoon.

"So, do you know what happened?" Namjoon asked as he was putting his shoes back on.

Jimin shook his head, "Nope. But I had a bad feeling about trusting Yoongi from the start, I should've trusted Tae. He'll tell me eventually, but I won't pressure him. I guess Yoongi and Hoseok know, and ever since he found out, Yoongi Hyung's holed himself up in his home studio."

"Must feel like shit."

"God I fucking hope so." Jimin scoffed, "I know I'm not blameless, and I should've done a lot different, but I can't stop thinking that's it's all Yoongi's fault."

Namjoon stood by the doorway awkwardly, looking to the hallway he knew Jimin's room was in. He looked like he wanted to say something, and he hesitated to leave.

"Spit it out Hyung, what's on your mind?"

"How do I make it up to Taehyung? I wanna know what happened, I want...I miss him."


1108 words

i honestly havent been inspired to write this or dream lately, and idk why. i havent been inspired to write much at all lately actually


Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

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