Part 44

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"I'm tired."

"Then go home."

"No," Jungkook glared, "I'm tired of you. I'm tired of your bullshit, and I'm tired of you talking shit about my boyfriend for no reason. I'm fucking done with it. I don't want to fucking hear it anymore Jin."


Jungkook blushed slightly, but kept his face angry, "Not the point. You have no fucking right to say anything about him. Fucking hell, even Yoongi Hyung is doing better then you. You haven't talked to him at all."

Jin rolled his eyes, "And why should I? I don't care Jungkook. Even if it's a big misunderstanding. I'm over him, it doesn't matter to me. And we already had this conversation."

Jungkook fumed, "It should matter. We broke him. We made him cry himself to sleep for a fucking year, we made him hate himself and hurt himself for no fucking reason. I get that you're over him, that's fine. But what I don't get is how much of a fucking asshole you have to be to not care about someone you hurt so bad. You can't even man up to give him closure? Just to say, 'hey I'm over you now, thought you should that and I'm sorry.'? You're a piece of work. I quit."

Jin scoffed, "Jungkook you're not quitting your job for Taehyung, that's stupid."

Jungkook grabbed his bag from the corner of the employee room and gave him a sarcastic smile, "Watch me."

Jin watched as Jungkook stormed out, reeling from the conversation.

"Holy shit."

Jin snapped out of his daze to look over to the few employees that had gathered, glaring at each one individually, "Get back to work. Fucking idiots."


The day ended up rather slow for him, and he closed up still thinking about his conversation with Jungkook.

Yeah, he was over Taehyung. But Jungkook was right, he should still give the guy some closure.

He kicked a rock as he walked, trying to think of what to do.

It would be too hard to even look at Taehyung, he knew it. Those stupid pretty eyes and stupid perfect face. He'd say something he didn't mean.


"No, I can walk home, it's fine. It's a nice night, thanks though Jiminie."

Of fucking course.

"Of course baby, but done hesitate to text me if you change your mind. I don't want anything happening to you."

He really wished he didn't have to go by Jimin's house.

"I'll be fine, don't worry. I love you."

"Love you too."

Jin looked up after a moment of deliberating, and his breath halted. Taehyung's smile was still just as stupidly pretty. He was smiling so hard that his eyes crinkled, and it only got wider when Jimin tried to prevent the younger from leaving with the promise of kisses. It worked for a few seconds, and Jin watched as Taehyung practically melted against Jimin's chest, the elder's arms around him probably the only thing holding him up.

"I gotta go Min, Bogum's waiting for me for our movie night."

Jimin did eventually let him go, albeit reluctantly, and Taehyung waved way more then what was necessary as he began his walk home, still smiling that stupidly pretty smile.

Jin cursed to himself when he noticed that Taehyung took the crosswalk to his side of the street, and was walking the way he was going.

This was fine. Taehyung wouldn't notice him, he was in his own little world. He was humming some song that sounded familiar, and he had a light skip in his step that Jin remembered he only did when he was feeling particularly happy. It was nice to know he wasn't majorly depressed all the time, like Jungkook made it seem.

He also remembered that Taehyung could be extraordinarily clumsy, so he shouldn't have been surprised when he heard a small gasp before a thud, and Taehyung groaning in pain. He whipped around and cursed himself again, but walked over to the boy on the ground anyways.

He was relieved when Taehyung was fine, and only had a small scratch on his knee, but he offered him a hand anyways.

"Thanks," Taehyung smiled, which came out as more of a grimace, probably from the pain. He never had a very high pain tolerance, "I tend to be clumsy, thanks for helping."

"No problem," He muttered, keeping his head down. He didn't even help that much, he just gave Taehyung his hand.

Taehyung froze, before he ducked down to meet Jin's eyes and sighed, "Hi Jin Hyung."

Jin scrunched his nose, so much for Taehyung not noticing him, "Hi Taehyung."

"Were you really just gonna walk away? Even though you knew it was me? You weren't going to say anything?"

"Yeah. I don't really wanna talk to you, if I'm being honest."

Taehyung pressed his lips into a thin line as he nodded slightly, "Well. Nice to know, I guess. Thanks anyways. Hope I don't see you around then."

"Shit," Jin muttered to himself, "Wait Taehyung, I didn't-I didn't mean it like that."

"Oh? So you didn't mean that you've been avoiding me and want to keep avoiding me?" Taehyung sucked in a short breath, eyes dull, "You know, Jungkook tells me that I'm a sensitive subject for you, care to tell me why?"

Jin never saw Taehyung mad, or annoyed. Not really anyways, other then when Jungkook stole his controller. But Taehyung was clearly at least somewhat pissed off right now, and Jin was a little concerned.

"Well, I mean-"

Taehyung sighed again when Jin only continued to stutter and mumble out excuses that had nothing to do with the situation at hand, "Have a good night, Jin Hyung."

This time, he watched Taehyung walk away, and made sure the younger turned a corner before he even started off himself.

It was weird not to be able to even form a coherent answer for Taehyung. He hoped that next time, he'd be able to at least give the boy that.

Next time.

Jin stilled, before he sighed. Yeah. Next time.


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