Part 35

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"I'll be right back, I just need some air."

Taehyung gave Jimin a rather unconvincing smile before he grabbed his jacket and sped out of the door.

He had slept over, as had Jimin and Namjoon, but something had felt off.

He didn't know what. He just

And then later, after the movie, and candy, and dinner, when he was comfortably in Hoseok's bed, blankets wrapped tightly around him, and most importantly, he was alone, he started overthinking.

And he fell asleep overthinking. Which is probably why he had nightmares.

They were less intense then his nightmares from before Jimin had started talking to him again, but they were still horrifying.

He shook his head, trying to stop thinking about it for 2 seconds.

Since he woke up at 5, he had just been sitting in Hoseok's bed with wide eyes and a heavy heart, pondering why the hell they were fighting so hard for him, when he had done nothing to deserve it.

"Jesus Tae, stop fucking thinking." He muttered, gaining some crazy looks from passerby's who heard him.

They were ignored. He didn't particularly care about anyone's thoughts today, not unless their names were Jimin, Hoseok, or Namjoon.

He managed to distract himself with his environment as he walked, trying to reach the park he knew was very close by.

Few people were in the park when he arrived, mostly couples who were trying to spend as much time together as possible before they had to part for work or school.

He thought he recognized the man sitting on the closest park bench alone, but decided not to look to hard and try to convince himself it was someone he knew.

Phone in hand, he sat down on the uncomfortable wood bench and just stared at the blank screen with a frown.

Damn it, this was supposed to clear his head, not give him time to overthink more.

At least the park was pretty.

It was rather small, and bare, but that was what he liked about it.

There were 3 trees, a large one just above the bench he was at, and two smaller ones on the other side of the land.

They were pink dogwood trees, beds of mulch surrounding them, neatly placed stones keeping it together. Red mulch wasn't his favorite, and didn't look quite right with the pink trees, but the stonework was beautiful so he supposed it was okay.

(A/N: if you don't know what dogwood trees look like, look them up. As the daughter of a landscaper and mason, I have the privilege of going to my dads worksites and seeing all of the beautiful flowers and nature he plants. He usually tries to explain shit to me before he loses my attention and I wander off to look at pretty flowers, or usually, dogwood trees :)

Sniffling disrupted his admiration of the scenery.

He turned his head, the man at the bench closest to the one he was sat on catching his eye.

He was hunched over a bit, hands bunched up and furiously rubbing at his red, blotchy face, perhaps from crying.

Taehyung hesitated, not wanting to get involved with a stranger when he explicitly told Jimin he'd only be gone a bit.

But his heart won over his head (that was screaming at him in anxiety of talking to a stranger and getting in trouble with Jimin) so he stood up with a deep breath and walked over.

"Excuse m-" Taehyung paused when the man looked up. "Oh."


"Hi Jungkookie," He spoke softly, eyebrows furrowed, "Are you okay?"

Jungkook cleared his throat and dried his eyes, (not very well, as tears kept pouring down, but Taehyung didn't say anything) trying to look presentable, "I-I am fine."

"Please don't lie to me. We don't have to talk about it, but lying doesn't make anything better," Taehyung spoke with as gentle of a tone as he could muster up. He patted his pockets quickly, confusing Jungkook, before he pulled out the desired item.

Jungkook took the small pack of tissues with a quiet sniff, guilt seeping into his heart. God, he's so fucking stupid.

"Want me to run and get you a water?"

So fucking stupid. He here was, sobbing his heart out, and Taehyung, an absolute angel, one he hurt so badly, is offering to walk a block to the nearest gas station and get him a water.

"N-no thank you."

"Can I help with anything?"

"I-I-" Jungkook took a deep breath, trying to stop his racing heart and tears, "C-Can I talk to you? A-about something? And th-then something different?"

"Of course Jungkookie, take as long as you need."

"Jin H-Hyung is m-mad at me."

Taehyung took a seat next to him and laid a comforting hand on his, rubbing circles into his palm.

"A-and it's stupid that-that I'm crying over it, I'm a g-grown ass man an-and it's not a big deal-"

"Jungkookie its okay to cry, especially if it's because you had a fight with a close friend."

He nodded, trying to find how to word his next sentence. It didn't really matter, it lead into his next discussion topic anyways, "H-he was complaining to m-me about how ea-easily the guys went back to you-"

Taehyung took in a sharp breath.

Jungkook gradually became calmer after a beat of silence, focusing on the warmth and comfort radiating from Taehyung, even in his tense quietness, "-and I told him that it was p-probably because we all mad a very brash decision based on really m-mistimed things. He said some mean things, and called me a 'desperate idiot'. Anyways, I sh-should've talked to you first, instead of just going home and telling them that I saw hickies. Which leads me to what I want to say, and have wanted to since the police station: I'm sorry Taehyung."

It was sudden, unexpected. Jungkook's tears were almost completely gone, and he looked terribly serious. He looked straight into Taehyung's eyes like he wanted his point to be made very clear.



Jungkook was pushed to the ground, off of the bench, and Taehyung was pulled into familiar arms.



1052 words hoes

Sneak attack chapter :)

Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

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