Part 18

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Hoseok looked up at the intimidating building with wide eyes.

He took a deep breath, pushing the glass doors open with false confidence. He walked up to the front desk and smiled.

"How may I help you sir?" The lady asked politely, but it was clear she could care less. Her eyes drooped and her shoulders were hunched forward. Her smile didn't reach her eyes, and said eyes seemed dull and lifeless.

"I'm Jung Hoseok, here to see Taehyung? Kim Taehyung?"

"Oh, Taehyungie. Yeah let me get him real quick," She brightened up at the mention of her co-worker, "You're a very lucky man Mr. Jung. You have no idea how many people here have asked him out, it's a wonder he said yes to you,"


The lady grinned, "You're the first person he's said yes to ever, that I know of at least. He's rejected every single person who has asked him on a date,"

"Hey!" Taehyung yelled, blushing, "What are you telling him?"

He stalked up to the counter with red cheeks and a pout, leaning on the marble pattern. She reached up and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"Nothing love," She smiled innocently, "Just how difficult you are,"

"Oh trust me, I know how difficult he can be," Hoseok huffed.

Taehyung pouted, "I'm an angel,"

"My angel," Hoseok said quietly, smiling.

"So, how long have you two known each other?" She asked.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "You said you wouldn't pry. Liar. Jisoo the liar,"

"Oh hush, I wasn't asking you,"

Hoseok sheepishly scratched the back of his head, "Uh, like 4 years or something now?"

"And you only just asked him out?" Jisoo shrieked.

"Well....." Taehyung muttered.

"I was an asshole a while ago, and I only just got around to asking for him to take me back,"

Jisoo narrowed her eyes, "Wait a hurt him?"

Taehyung laughed nervously, "That's enough questions for now, bye Jisoo!"

Hoseok let Taehyung drag him outside, smiling at their intertwined hands.

"I'm so sorry about her, she can be the nosiest person sometimes,"

Hoseok shrugged, opening the door for Taehyung to get in, "It's fine, she's funny,"

Taehyung sighed, relaxing after he buckled himself in. Hoseok's car was familiar, and still faintly smelled of the same cologne. Though it was not as messy as he remembered. There were no random workout clothes lying around, or empty energy drinks and snack bags. The car looked like it had been scrubbed clean.

With the window partially rolled down, after permission from Hoseok, Taehyung leaned his head against the seat belt as they drove. His eyes closed on their own accord, tired and weary from a day of catching up on all of the work he missed. It wasn't late, it was just after 6, but after so many consecutive sleepless nights, 6pm felt like 2am.

Hoseok looked over when he heard light snores, and smiled gently. He wanted to lean over and run one hand through the younger's hair, or kiss his forehead, as he always liked to do. He didn't, he only turned down the music slightly and turned down the heat, knowing Taehyung slept warm.

Taehyung woke up with a start as Hoseok parked the car, eyes wide and hair slightly messed up from the wind coming through the window.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep, that is so so rude, I'm-"

Hoseok laughed, pulling the key from the ignition and stuffing it in his coat pocket, "It's alright, you seem tired. I'm not offended, don't worry,"

Taehyung nodded, climbing out clumsily. His head scraped the top of the car and he winced, one hand coming up to cradle his skull.

"Aw, love," Hoseok scrambled to where Taehyung was pouting, moving the youngers hands so he could see where was hit, "Oh bubs, there's a bump,"

"It hurts," Taehyung muttered, eyes wide and awake after the scare.

"Would some food make it better?" Hoseok asked, grabbing his hand and slowly pulling him to the brick building in front of them.

Taehyung nodded, "Where are we?"

"Fancy pizza place,"

"Pizza!" Taehyung gasped, forgetting about his aching head, excitedly rushing through the door, ahead of Hoseok.

The elder grinned, nodding at the lady who welcomed them, saying they could take a seat anywhere.

Taehyung chose a small booth in the corner, secluded and quiet.

It smelled amazing in the resturant, and it was warm and cozy, as well as well decorated. Warm yellow lights hung above each table or booth, the booths and chairs themselves cushioned. A single flower in a vase was at the end of the tables, towards the wall. Menus, old fashioned, were stood up in organizers.

Hoseok grabbed both from the holders and handed one to Taehyung, who was excitedly tapping his fingers to the quiet music in the background.

"Can we get margherita?" Taehyung asked, flipping through the pages. The place didn't only sell pizza, there were grinders, pastas, all sorts of appetizers, they had a lot. But Hoseok had said pizza, and Taehyung wanted pizza.

"Of course, do you want me to take your basil?"

Taehyung nodded, making a face at the thought of eating it. Basil, in small, miniscule amounts on pizza, was okay. But he only wanted tiny shreds of it, and always gave the rest to whoever he was eating with.

(A/N: basil is nasty af. dont fight me)

They were able to place their order as soon as the waiter arrived, Taehyung also ordering a coke, while Hoseok, of course, ordered Sprite.

"Once again, Taehyung," Hoseok said suddenly, after a few moments of silence. He grabbed the younger's hands over the table, "Thank you so much for giving me another chance. You have no idea what it means to me, to be able to see you again,"

Taehyung flushed beautifully, hands tightening around Hoseoks, "It's no big deal, really. But just because I agreed to you taking me out, doesn't mean I'm not angry and hurt,"

"As long as I still get to see you, you can be as angry as you want. Just.....I missed you a lot. We all did, and it just feels really nice to be like this again. Together, I mean,"

Taehyung pulled his hands back quickly when their drinks arrived, making grabby hands at the coke. It definitely wasn't to distract himself from the burning feeling in his face and the butterflies in his tummy.

The waiter giggled and gave it to him with a smile, bowing before walking away after saying their food would be out shortly.

"So what do you think of this place?" Hoseok sipped his Sprite slowly, carefully eyeing the way Taehyung gulped down his drink, in an attempt to drown the butterflies dancing around in his stomach.

Taehyung put the cup down gently on a napkin, "It's really pretty, How'd you find it?"

"I was just walking one day last year, and I was sad and hungry, and I walked in here and now it's one of my favorite places. None of the guys know about it,"

"Thank you for sharing this place with me," Taehyung muttered, "Really,"


1193 words hoess

i have 7 tests in the span of two days ha ha ha ha ha i hate everything

imma fail them all

Stay safe and healthy <3

Anyways, bye bye <33!!

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