Part 3

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Jungkook stared at him sadly, "Hi Taehyung,"

"I swear, I really didn't-"

Minho smacked his side, "You apoligize and I hit him,"

Taehyung quieted.

"Hit me? Why?"

"Because it's your fault that he feels the need to apologize for being anywhere near you," Minho glared, "And while I really would still like to hit you, I will keep my promise. And I want a blueberry muffin, Taehyung wants a-"

"Hot chocolate, extra whipped cream, maraschino cherry, and a small strawberry cake to go, because he doesn't like eating in front of others," Jungkook muttered, not even writing Taehyung's order down. He knew it by heart. Even if they never went to this place together, as it really just opened, his order was the same everywhere.

He wrote the other's down, only because he would probably forget theirs.

"I miss them," Taehyung sniffled, resting his head on the table.

" can't...they don't...,"

"I know, they hurt me. They hate me. But I loved them for years, Hyungs. That won't go away in a single year, it might never go away,"

Minho sighed, bringing him into a weird, awkward, side hug, "And that's what sucks, because they don't deserve you. They don't even know what really happened, do they?"

"Of course not, they've always been...I don't remember the word. They jump to conclusions, and they don't care to hear what really happened once they've made up their minds," Taehyung leaned into his shoulder, staring off at the empty table across from them.

Jungkook, who had just came with a tray in hand, paused. Then shook his head. It was over, it didn't matter anymore. Taehyung was now just....a stranger. Someone who he occasionally saw out, but will never bother to talk to again.

"Your orders," He muttered, "Can I help you with anything else?"

"Yes, I never got my orginal order," Minho frowned.


"Taehyung's heart back, preferably in one piece,"

Said boy smacked Minho, "We're leaving, this is not how I'm spending my birthday, I fucking refuse. I'm going to go home-"

'Put on pajamas, eat ice cream, and not think about going to work,' Jungkook thought, as Taehyung said the same thing aloud.


"Guys, you don't understand," Jungkook muttered, watching them pace around Jin's living room.

"Oh I understand perfectly. He's playing the fucking victim," Yoongi growled, "Because we're the ones in the wrong, because we hurt him,"

"We did," Jungkook sighed. He got up from the couch to grab a picture off of the bookshelf by the fireplace. "I still don't think.....I think we got it all wrong, Hyungs, I really do,"

"Then stop fucking thinking," Yoongi glared, "Because you're wrong. We saw what we saw, that's final. His fault, not ours,"

Jungkook gave the picture to Yoongi, who's eyes softened for a split second, before he threw the picture into the fire.

"Hyung!" Jungkook cried, kneeling down and hastily grabbing the fire glove to pull out the frame, which thankfully hadn't caught on fire, "What the hell?"

"He's not here anymore Jungkook, get over it," Yoongi threw the picture one last look before turning to the hall, where the others stood, watching them.

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