Part 36

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"Jimin let go."

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? What was he saying? Do I need to kick his ass?"

"No Jiminie, I'm okay."

In all honesty, Taehyung was more then a little peeved with Jimin.

Who the hell just walks up to two people in a conversation and pushes one off a bench? And especially with the fact that Taehyung had told him where he was, and not to worry. Taehyung wished they trusted him more to take care of himself.

Taehyung pulled away from Jimin quickly, eyes searching for Jungkook, who was still laying in the ground, shocked.

Namjoon and Hoseok stood a distance away, glaring heavily.

"Guys. Go home," He sighed. He offered Jungkook a hand, and pulled him up with only mild difficulty, "Are you okay Jungkookie?"

"I-I'm okay, thank you."

"I'm sorry about Jimin," Taehyung ignored the scoff that sounded after he spoke, "Is there anything we can do?"

"I'm okay, really. I guys can go home. I'll be okay here, I just can't go back to work right now."

Taehyung clicked his tongue, "You're sad, you can't be alone when you're sad, I know you."

"Taehyung. No."

Jungkook tilted his head in confusion, did Jimin still know Taehyung well enough to basically read his mind? It had always been freaky, but it was more so now.

"Jungkookie." He tuned back in when Taehyung's voice, deep and soft, reached his ears, "Come talk with me at my house, hm?"

"O-oh I can't do that, I can't intrude. I'm okay, I really am."

"Stop lying to me." Taehyung gently hit the back of his head, more of a tap then anything, "Come with me. Please."

Fuck his puppy eyes, seriously. How were his eyes fair? It was cheating, it really was.


Instantly 3 glares heated up his back, and he froze.

"Stop it. Leave him alone. Can one of you grab my stuff and drop it off please?"

Hoseok sighed, but nodded.

"Thank you Hyungie," he was rewarded with a kiss on the cheek and Jungkook didn't think he'd ever been so jealous of Hoseok in his life, "See you in a bit."

Jungkook watched with envy as Namjoon gathered Taehyung in a hug and pressed tiny kisses along his head.

"Bye Joonie!"

Jungkook often went through phases of being jealous of Jimin. How could he not? Jimin was everything he wasn't: thoughtful, talented, kind, the list goes on. Taehyung used to kiss him silly anytime he voiced his thoughts, and it sometimes worked. Right now, Jungkook was very, inexplicably jealous of the way that Jimin was holding Taehyung.

"Jiminie, I love you, I really do-"

"I love you too."

"-but you need to stop being so overprotective. I'm a grown up, I can handle my own issues."

Jimin sighed, pulling Taehyung so he was flush to his chest, "I know, but you also have a really big heart and forgive way too easily."

"That's not always a bad thing Jiminie. Just because I'm nice doesn't mean I instantly forgive people. I let you take me out, but I didn't instantly forgive you, did I?"

"No, but-"

"No. Just...let me handle it, okay?"

Jimin grumbled and pouted, but a kiss on the corner of his lips from Taehyung and he shut up.

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