Chapter 21 (11 more after 10!)

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Heyy, you Wicked Wattadians!!!

So sorry I took ages to post this but I was so BUSY: School is grrrrr..... Lol Anway...

So, of course, a maaaaasive thank you to you if you FANNED:

 Ivlyprncssbx     theothergirl    CrazyAppleBrain       BiteIntoMySoul     marlicat     Caymontheawesome    IIizzi     PurpleHearts     DisneyFan1787     oso_sweet    TibEatsMusic     ACE-STARS

And don't forget the fabulous VOTERS:

starrynite     Bethluvsu    JadieBabiexxx     the other girl     CrazyAppleBrain        Echosky      Watt_obsessor      shy201    jade4568     meena79     uncolorfulrainbow     marlicat     Caymontheawesome     llizzi       DisneyFan1787     ACE-STARS(Voted without my noticing b4 :) soz!)

Luv u all guys!!! Thanks :P

Chapter 21

Addie's P.O.V

I spent the whole weekend at home. After what had happened with John, I was terrified to go out. Aunt Liz was amazing; she totally understood. She treated me really well, and always locked my windows, like she thought someone might break in. She didn't force me to go outside, and she even called Funesta and Luna to come round. They were great too, chatting with me for hours and making me laugh, and generally distracting me from Friday night's horrible events. Uncle Jeff treated me a bit like he thought a murderer would jump out and grab me at any second.

Speaking of murderes... Theo had told me he was one. Well, he hadn't told me, but he didn't deny it. And he wasn't kidding. He'd always seemed so gentle... perhaps he got attacked, or threatened, some reason he'd killed someone... I'm sure it wasn't his fault...

God, how could I tlk about it so calmly? Theo hadflipping killed someone!

But he saved your life. A voice in my head reminded me.

That wasn't my life, I told the voice irratably. That was some freaky guy who bit me and hit my head. I winced, feeling the scar along my skull.

He was a Vampyre. The voice said. He could've killed you. You felt those fangs.

He wasn't a Vampyre. I growled at my inner self. I never knew my own persona was so annoying.

Theo said he was. The voice had a point.

Wait a second, so I was following Theo's rules now? Great, Addie. Just great.

Well, I didn't know about the whole Vampyre thing, but I knew at least three things:

1) John was an evil creep.

2) Theo was a murderer.

3) Theo had saved my life, and would never, ever hurt me.

I loved him, and I don't think he loved me (sigh) but I was pretty sure he had saved my life (you win, irratating inner self) and that he would never harm me. He was just... amazing.

I had to snap out of my daydream, or I'd probably start drooling. He was just so hot... and when he'd kissed my forehead, a thousand fireworks had exploded in my heart, and I felt like I'd been slammed into a brick wall. Ad he'd smelt of warmth and comfort and pine and wood smoke and mint... ok, forget not drooling, my jaw was on the ground.

Then, on Sunday morning, I picked up the paper and stopped feeling sorry for myself. I'd made myself some mint tea to try and relax, and then I saw the headline; Wolves in town?

The Moonstone Wolf Pack (NEEDS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now