Chapter... I know this one... 9?

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Greetings Wattpadians! First off, before I forget, SOME GINORMOUS THANK YOU'S TO...

People who FANNED:

IluvRain     missfee

People who VOTED

iluvRain Hollalunia (possibly others :P lol)

And people who COMMENTED


Also, A ginormous thank-you to anyone who reads this; including u :D Enjoy, u lovely people!!! xx

Chapter... I'm so sorry I've completely forgotten, I think it's nine =P

Theo's P.O.V

Sonia lead me to a classroom right the otherside of the school. A load of people followed us and struck up conversations with me.

"So where are you from?" A blond asked me eagerly.

"All over the place I said." It wasn't a lie.

"Wow, really? Where's the last place you came from?" A red-haired girl pushed the blond out the way.

"We just came from Spain." I told them, kind of wishing they'd go away.

"Ooh, are you part Spanish?" Blondie asked.

"Is that why you're tanned slightly? You and your brothers?" A brunette quiried.

"They are your brothers, right? You have the same skin tone." Said a guy who was following us curiously.

"But you're better looking." Blondie asured me with a smile. I smiled easily back, but it didn't come naturally.

"Flirting, Rochelle?" A guy joined our flock, wrapping an arm around the Blonds waist. He was obviously joking, because the smile he gave me wasnt one of a jeleous boyfriend. It was a freindly, casual grin. "So whats your name, Spaniard?"

"Theo Moonstone."

"Theo? Is that short for-" The blonde, Rochelle, interrupted.

"Cool it, Ro, or the guy's gonna think you're stalking him." The boy laughed. He held out a hand. "Bobby More" (a

; sorry, I'm not feeling particuarly inventive today lol =P )

"Nice to meet you." I shook his hand. "And, uh, I'm not Spanish." I gave a small smile, and the guy burst out laughing.

"I was kidding. So," he suddenly sounded buisnesslike. "Are you any good at swimming?"

"Bobby!" The brunette laughed teasingly. "Is that all you ever think about?" I noticed Rochelle glaring at her from over her shoulder.

"Yeah, I swim, sometimes." All werewolves are good at sport. Swimming was easy, but I didn't want to boast. "Why? Short on swimmers?"

"You got it." Bobby said grimly. "We lost a major swimmer over th summer." He and his friends shook their heads sadly. We reached the history classroom.

"Sit with me." Sonia grabbed my arm.

"Are you good at history?" I checked, raising my eyebrows at her.

"She isn't." The brunette nudged me. "But I am. If you need any help." She simpered. Were these guys trying to be obvious? Because if they weren't, they were failing big time. I tried not to roll my eyes, and gave her a quick smile.

"Want to sit with us?" Bobby asked quietly. "Sometimes the chicks can get a little..." he trailed off. He didn't need to finish.

"Thanks." I said quickly, grabbing a seat next to his. Flirty girls, as I'm sure I've said, weren't my type. Sometimes, it's a burden having werewolf good-looks. It lands you straight in with the popular crowd.

The red-head and the brunette restled for a seat next to me. Bobby snickered at my tortured expression, but I noticed a few other guys looked jeleous. Not the ones sitting next to Bobby. They were used to this kind of treatment. Looks like I'd landed in the group of Popular guys too. Fab.

The brunette one. She gave a huff of triumphant and threw herself into the seat next to me, befor throwing me a dazzling smile at me. I grinned back in a friendly way, trying to be nice, but make it clear I wasn't interested. It didn't work. She preened herself vainly. Red-head shot her daggers.

High school never ends.

Addie's P.O.V

Ruby-May was really nice and friendly. We talked all through Maths, and I had a shot at making conversation with her sister too- with no success. She was too busy making alliences with the populars. Good for her- not.

I also tried to get Funesta and Luna to talk to her, but they were shy, and safely stuck to the fact that sooner or later, she was going to end up in with the bitch-crowd. Occasionaly, Luna shot in with a brave, snarky comment that made me glare.

"So how old are you, Ruby-May?" She blasted her a smile that looked genuine- unless you knew her well enough to see the sarcastic note in her eye. Funesta twisted her lip beneath her teeth; she might not want to strike up conversation, but she was never rude.

"I'm sixteen." Ruby-May smiled nicely, but she was slightly more formal, like she suspected Luna. I felt embarrased. "I' supposed to be in the lower set but I'm higher in Maths."

"Wow. So you're really clever?" I tried to keep her distracted as I scrawled a quick note to Luna saying Cut it out.

Why? The populars will want her. She's too beautiful for our crowd.

Thats being prejudiced. If you're nice, we can stop her from hanging out with all those evil bitches.

At this point, Funesta snatched the paper out of Luna's hnds as she began to scribble a reply. I read what she wrote.

Addie has a point, Lu. Come on lets be nice.

Oh who's being little miss Perfect now?

I am not!

"Guys, stop being immature!" I burst out. A few heads turned, including Ruby-May, who hade to hve noticed our non-too discreet note passing. I gave them cheery waves. Ruby-May smiled and went back to working.

"Come on, Lu." I whispered pleadingly. "The bitches won't want a young girl, and she's just flipped off one of the hot guys. She's making an effort ot to be a bitch."

"She flipped off a popular guy?" Luna brightened. "Why didn't you say so?"

The three of us laughed under our breaths, and then I turned to Ruby-May. "Hey Ruby-May, I was wondering-" A nudge from Funesta. "Sorry, we were wondering-"

"If you'd like to sit wth us at lunch?" Luna shot her a fully-friendly smile. Ruby-May beamed. "Seriously? Oh that would be so great! Thanks!" The bell went. The four of us hurled our books at the marking desk, and darted out the room.

High school never ends.


Here we are,  my wonderfull readers!!!!! I hope you like this chapter. I'll admit, it's a little dull... I was trying to show the different popularity groups... we all have 'em.... the bitches, the nerds, the popular guys... Ruby-May and Theo SO don't want to fit in, but it's a hard life in senior school... as we all know :D

U guys know the drill; VOTE COMMENT FAAAAAAN!!!!! :)

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