Chapter 30 (!!!)

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Helloooo Wattpadians!!! Ok, I hav a couple of important things I'd like to mention, so plz read evry1:

Important #1

Ok, so you know I put songs in on every chapter, most of them are random, some of them really fit in with the chapter; I have those ones planned. :P but if anyone has any songs that they'd like me to put on, please tell me, and I will :) A big thank you to Celestial_Moonlight for all those awesome songs you recommended, I'll definatly use them *thumbs up* this song is going to be Monster by The Automatic... if I remember... lol :P plz listen its a cool song...

Important #2

Um... I've forgotten... it's coming to me... oh yeah I remember now, oh I can't be bothered to delete all of that so hell with it :) Well, I was wondering; do you think I should do Ruby-May's P.O.V? Not as often as Theo or Addie's, obviously, cos even though she's quite important, she's not a main character, and that's the way I want it to stay. I just think it would be quite cool, knowing how Ruby-May feels about her brother (well, she thinks of him like that) and best friend being in love. Just on occasion. Comment and let me know what you guys think about that too.


I've recently read two books which I thought were IMMENSE. I think you should read them too, and they are called:

School for princes'


His name means Black


They are both totally immense, so please go on and read them, you know you want to... ah, I really need to pick up on my power of persuasion... which is really annoying cos we have to write a speech for English on why we should get a bar of chocolate and the best speech GETS a bar of chocolate and I have no powers of persuasion, AND I REALLY WANT THAT BAR OF CHOCOLATE!!! MEH! Ok, I'll get on with it now...

Oh no wait! First up, thank you, you lovely FANS:

Zaramela_Angel     Celestial_Moonlight

And you lovely VOTERS:

Zaramela_Angel     Echosky     Bethluvsu     Cuj0Kat     Celestial_Moonlight      JadieBabiexxx

Luv you guys! NOW I'll get on with it :P

Chapter 30 (!!!)

Addie's P.O.V

"Lu?" I picked up my phone as it rang.

"Hey Addie." Luna still sounded terrible. I chewed my lip, feeling almost guilty about how well I was getting on, considering my best friend had died exactly a week ago. I still went into blank stares sometimes, staring hopelessly into space. My dreams were still taunted with images of Funesta... but other than that, I was recovering. Luna hadn't even stepped out the house.

"Hey. How you doing?"

"Um, alright I guess." Luna mumbled. I sighed sympathetically.

"Do you want me to come round?"

"If you want." Luna muttered.

"Ok. I'll be there in ten." I hung up, and hurried to my car, hastily dragging a brush through my ahir as I went.

Luna's Mom greeted me at the door.

"Hello, Addie. How are you?"

"Fine thanks." I'd known Luna's Mom for ages. "How's Luna?"

"She does nothing but lie there and stare into space. I'm worried about her."

"I was like that."

The Moonstone Wolf Pack (NEEDS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now