Chapter 33 (Nxt chapter will be THE CHAPTER)

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Hey everyone!!! Ok, so I’ve decided that for lent I’m going to give up... babbling :D I’m probs driving y’all mental ha-ha J so obviously I’ll thank fanners and voters, but no more pointless, annoying blabble babble. :D xx

Thank you, FANNERS:

12oreo232     just_randomcookiez     Shaye126     4badco     Waffles4Walruses     YvetteMarzipanMassey     SooAmazing     Erika1499     tigergirl121     mamie1990     tinktennant17 

Thanks you VOTERS:

Just_randomcookiez     Shaye126     LittoJ     YvetteMarzipanMassey     SooAmazing     Erika1499     mamie1990     tinktennant17     faye06     Bethluvsu     Cuj0Kat     Echosky     icantbesolved     Melndjace    

Luv ya! xxxxxxxx

Chapter 33

Addie’s P.O.V

Preparing for the party was actually super-fun. We pawed through all my clothes, tossing them into separate piles of maybe and no. I piled the entire no’s into my cupboard, apart from the few which belonged to Luna and Ruby-May, and that they’d decided to bring round. We then sorted through the clothes that we’d decided as maybe, wearing it down until we each had a dress. Luna chose her dusk rose one, the one that she had bought in town ages ago, and Funesta had accused of being too short. It emphasized her slim, tanned legs. Ruby-May chose a deep blue one that was Luna’s, and that we had bought the day Funesta had died. It suited her very well, making her hair look soft and even more gold than usual.

I wore the black number I’d bought in town when Funesta, Luna and I had gone shopping. I smoothed the silky black material down my body, and Luna and Ruby-May proclaimed that I looked like a model. I knew they were just being nice, but I still blushed, and I felt good about it.

We applied make-up to each other, and then we all gathered in car. Luna’s parents had actually let her have their car, which I had a strange feeling they were going to regret; Luna was a pretty manic driver. We sang along to Just Dance as we drove, which seemed kind of appropriate for where we were going. As we drove, we talked about school work, and about our latest homework assignment in art; photography. I was thrilled, but not entirely sure what to take a picture of; the teacher had said we had to chose an original looking person, and I had my ideas for who, but I had a feeling it wouldn’t be the best idea... There was a small chance that Ruby-May would kill me for my choice.

  When we reached Emily’s house, it was already filled with dancing people and bright, flashing coloured lights. The whole place pumped with energy and the deep throb of music. The three of us stumbled out the car, and dashed through the light rain that tinkled softly on the road. I nearly slipped in my two inch heels, and I grabbed Ruby-May for support. We both laughed.

We opened the door, and looked around the huge hall, packed with dancing couples, a bar, and people simply talking. I never knew there were so many people in our year. We looked around in amazement, and saw Emily, dancing with Joe. She hurried over when she noticed us, her cheeks flushed with excitement.

“Hey guys! Finally, your here!” She grinned at us, kissing us each on the cheek. We grinned at her.

“Blame Addie. She was taking ages having  shower.”Luna rolled her eyes at me.

“Hey, you were the one who emptied my whole wardrobe!” I protested. Emily and Ruby-May laughed at me.

“Come on, guys.” Ruby-May tugged us into the hall. We dodged around the dancers, and eventually made it to the bar area. I wasn’t too fond of drinking, but I sipped a glass of punch, my eyes scanning the hall. I caught sight of Theo, standing near the door, obviously telling Linda off. She looked moody, and crossed her arms like a sulky child. Then she turned and looked directly at me, and her eyes bored into mine. She glared fiercely at me, and I flinched a little. How could she hate me so much? What had I done to her?

The Moonstone Wolf Pack (NEEDS EDITING)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα